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Lack of Sex!!

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Started by #457341 at 01,Jun,14 22:44
its been wayyy to long since ive got the ride (year and a half ) can any members on this advise me on ways to get a fuck quick? any advise appreciated.. really need to get my dick wet again

Similar topics: 1.THANK YOU!   2.Lack of Creativity. Need Picture Ideas.   3.lack of precum   4.erectile dysfunction   5.Masturbation addiction in Females..  

New Comment

By #449110 at 01,Jun,14 23:56
I haven't fucked a woman since September 2010. I'm going fucking nuts!
By leopoldij at 02,Jun,14 01:01 other posts of leopoldij 
I Don't believe you. How Can that be? You Need to take action. Fast.
By #449110 at 04,Jun,14 23:04
I broke my dick and it wouldn't work for quite some time. I finally rehabilitated in back into shape. I tried to these jelqing exercises and they rendered me impotent for a while.
By leopoldij at 04,Jun,14 23:24 other posts of leopoldij 
How can you break your dick? I don't understand .
By #449110 at 05,Jun,14 00:38
If you do jelqing exercises to grow your dick and you do them wrong, you can seriously fuck your dick up badly. If you don't believe me, then go to a site called, "The penis gym" and go to the injuries section. It is chocked full of men that tried to grow their dick and rendered impotent, sometimes for life. I know one guy at that site that tried to put heavy weights on his dick to make it longer, and he was told by doctors that he is now impotent for life and can never again have sex. You have to be VERY CAREFUL when trying to grow your dick or you can do some serious damage to it.
By leopoldij at 10,Jun,14 21:07 other posts of leopoldij 
Very interesting. Thanks

By spermkiss at 11,Jun,14 02:59 other posts of spermkiss 
Your words of wisdom carry a lot of weight. A word to the wise, YOUR PENIS CANNOT BE MADE LARGER EXCEPT BY SURGERY. And surgery has mixed results, is expensive and involves painful recovery. Other methods to attempt penis enlargement (pumps, various exercises, etc.) have a good deal of risk, as this man can attest. For a further discussion of this, see the Penis Enlargement Scams article on this very site.

So all you guys out there with medium size or small dicks, LEARN TO LIVE WITH AND BE SATISFIED WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. No matter what size you dick is, you can be assured that there are thousands (no MILLIONS!) of people out there who like that size. This is especially true of micropenises. There is a whole crew of people who worship micros and there are dozens of web sites devoted to just them. Dick Shorter, Dicklets, Davidmicro and Smalldicklover are four that come readily to mind. There are numerous others.

By #449110 at 11,Jun,14 13:23
Well what I am doing now is just losing weight and that will in turn make my dick look bigger. Also, I'm glad you like my post.
By spermkiss at 11,Jun,14 14:53 other posts of spermkiss 
I certainly do. One of the most rewarding parts of SYD is the things we members learn from each other here on the Forum. You have posted some valuable information and we thank you for that.

Please accept my best wishes for a successful weight loss and for full recovery of your injured penis.

By Gntlmn at 02,Jun,14 04:19 other posts of Gntlmn 
Try April of 1998

By leopoldij at 02,Jun,14 01:00 other posts of leopoldij 
Hey, where abouts in the uk do you live? Clearly, you're shy. Not hard to get laid in the uk. Go to a pub, find some nice girls, buy them drinks, start talking, etc.
Find places where single women go. Mingle with them.
Go online to meet girls in your area. Some are as horny and desperate as you are.
The pics on your page are pretty low quality. This doesn't help.

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