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gay or not?

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Started by #234610 at 14,Jun,12 08:11
I consider myself a straight male. I don't find myself attracted to men at all. However I love looking at hard cocks...and taking pics of mine. I would like to suck a cock...and have it cum in my mouth. When I jackoff...I eat my own cum. Does this make me gay or just weird? [deleted image]

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By spermkiss at 14,Jun,12 16:30 other posts of spermkiss 
No it does not make you gay or weird. It makes you a normal heterosexual man. ALL MEN, gay, bi-sexual and straight like to look at other guys cocks, especially when they are hard. Looking at cocks is a GUY thing, not a GAY thing. Showing off his cock is something most men like to do. The popularity of this site proves that. After all, a man's cock is his favorite toy and he likes to show it off and play with it in front of others.

Almost all heterosexual men have at least some interest in man-on-man sex. There are very few straight men who are so totally heterosexual that they could never ever have gay sex under any circumstances. And I've got to wonder about those who claim to be that way if it's their natural condition or the result of anti-gay cultural conditioning.

So if you want to suck a guy to climax and eat his sperm, go for it. You'll be glad you did. It's fun to be a cocksucker and a lot of cocksuckers are straight.
By #175123 at 14,Jun,12 19:18
I'll drink to that -- and you can guess what I'd love to drink! lol
By spermkiss at 14,Jun,12 21:15 other posts of spermkiss 
And here's hoping you get a lot of loads of warm, creamy sperm to drink. Sperm, the breakfast of champions. Cheers.

By bigone21 at 17,Sep,13 21:52 other posts of bigone21 
@ spermkiss:

so guys will blow eachother and eat loads because "it's a GUY'S thing", galls will lick eachothers pussy because it's a GIRLS thing, and everybody is HETEROSEXUAL!!


and for those that think of those activities as BI or GAY, the message is: WHY the fuck do you have to speak out, want to change politics, worry about LGBT-rights in Africa, Arabian countries, and new runner-up Russia with it's new homophobic laws??

why do you gays have to speak out so loud?

just suck cock and be HETEROSEXUAL! no problem!

well, for a gay person, that is EXACTLY the problem!

because he/she has to face the facts of coming out. if ALL you HETEROSEXUAL cocksuckers would come out, that would HELP!!

By spermkiss at 17,Sep,13 19:36 other posts of spermkiss 
I can readily understand why you like showing off your dick and photographing it. It's a really good looking dick so you should be proud of it. Plus, you've got the balls to show your face. I salute you.

So keep your pants off, your dick hard, your camera close at hand and keep posting photos.

By #234610 at 17,Sep,13 18:56
Thanks to everyone who commented...not exactly what I was expecting but pleased with the with that said who wants their cock sucked? Lol

By #157110 at 17,Jun,12 17:36
im not gay . but i do love my arse to be fucked and i love sucking cock and swallowing cum
By spermkiss at 20,Jun,12 23:56 other posts of spermkiss 
Happens all the time. A lot of straight men are cocksuckers and/or like taking it in the ass.

By poopanana at 20,Jun,12 21:45 other posts of poopanana 
I consider myself straight as well. I've never been with a man, but I really want to suck a cock. Any suggestions on how to discreetly go about doing this?
By spermkiss at 20,Jun,12 23:54 other posts of spermkiss 
One obvious way is to go to a gay bar. You do not say where you live except in the United States, but if you live in a city of reasonable size or even a smallish city, there is undoubetly one or more gay bars where you live. If you do not want to risk seeing someone you know, go to a city fifty or more miles away. As for finding gay bars, use the internet. Bob Dameron's Address Book is one resource.

Or just use the internet to hook up. This very site is one resource.

By #124058 at 17,Jun,12 06:27
I have often thought about this subject.

Let's assume that most heterosexual men like to watch porn. Now there are some who can do with watching women masturbating or only watch lesbians but i believe most of us want to see a good fucking.

Now as most o f us who regularly download porn will have noticed is that the actor rarely, never, comes with his dick inside the actress. It is almost always either ober her cunt od over her tongue. Also most of the turn on shots show a masive dick pounding a pussy.

So i have often wondered if it is actually watching dick which turns us on or the cunt?
By spermkiss at 17,Jun,12 17:28 other posts of spermkiss 
No doubt about it, it's watching the dick. Men like to look at other men's dicks and men like to watch other men have orgasms. When we watch another man have an orgasm we are experiencing that orgasm along with him. And we want to see the jizz squirt. That's why in porn the man almost always withdraws so we can see the ejaculation.

Even the most potent of us can only climax a finite number of times. But we can watch a hundred orgasms a day by other men, get a vicarious thrill from each one and still want more.

By poopanana at 16,Jun,12 00:20 other posts of poopanana 
I am straight. I've never had sex with another male, but I really want to suck a dick. I think about it a lot, and I love looking at hard dicks; especially smallish ones.

By #175123 at 14,Jun,12 08:27
Wanting male-male sex, in my opinion, is very common in men who consider themselves "straight". That's my experience. I am one of those men, though I call myself "bisexual". I can love a woman romantically (I do) but not another male. On the other hand, I can enjoy getting together regularly with a buddy and jerking/sucking each other off. Like getting together with the guys for poker but really REALLY fun!! So in my mind, you are not gay OR weird but quite normal.
By spermkiss at 14,Jun,12 16:31 other posts of spermkiss 
Your comments are spot on.

By #268310 at 14,Jun,12 09:41
I believe that you are Bi-Sexual.

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