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Is sex a skill you lose with time?

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Started by #250344 at 14,Jun,12 15:15
I met this girl and we'll most likely hook up sooner or later, the problem is its been a super long while and I'm afraid I'll suck lol. Or, is it just kind of like riding a bike? Opinions welcome

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New Comment

By #218130 at 14,Jun,12 15:58
I'm sure it will come back to us, its been really super long for me as well. Been single for the last 5 years. Had one female "friend with benefits" during that time Best of luck with the girl, may you find love and happiness.
By #164428 at 14,Jun,12 16:15
I'm in a similar boat, and I sure wish I could be your girl, Love.
By #218130 at 14,Jun,12 16:22
XOXOXOXO Any time, words sometimes fail me. You made my day again
By #164428 at 15,Jun,12 05:01
Awwww. I love you, plain and simple. You are a magnificent person in every way. XOXOXOXO
By #218130 at 15,Jun,12 06:27
How about we do the bike thing long, slow and wet till the wheels fly off Wow, I'm getting carried away again

By #142828 at 14,Jun,12 15:26
Its definitly like riding a bike. U never forget how to ride just alil rusty with the balence. But give it a ride and within a few it will all come back. Hey u might even be better at it after a break. And if it not good jump on it till the wheels fall off.
By #218130 at 14,Jun,12 15:54
Giving me hope too. Beautifully explained.

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