I agree that everyone should be happy with what they have! There are so many forms of (so called mutilation of the body) Brest implants,plastic sergury,Piercings,tattoos)(both body and genital)And you seldom hear of people complaing about them! In my honest oppinion It is up to the individule as to what appels to them and makes them happy with in them selves. Granted the majority of cercumsisions are done at birth and the individule has nothing to say about that decision,But then again that is what they are familiar with during their growing experiance and most are comfortable with it. Personaly I much rather enjoy seeing a nice cut penis,although I have also have seen many uncut that are appeling to me! Just my two cents on the subject!! I have a cut peins,also have several piercings and a few tattoos that I enjoy having. I also shave my entire body with the exception of my head and facial hair!! That's just me!
By #175805 at 14,Aug,12 11:20
Cut is in my opinion what a cock should look like.
Not look like a small elephant trunk that cannot pick up peanuts.
Honestly, draw a picture of a cock, do you draw a cock with a nice head on it, or do you draw an elephant trunk?
Not look like a small elephant trunk that cannot pick up peanuts.
Honestly, draw a picture of a cock, do you draw a cock with a nice head on it, or do you draw an elephant trunk?
Natural, uncut, every time.