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do u prefer cut or uncut?

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Started by #331395 at 19,Dec,12 07:18
I fucking love uncut dicks, and I was wondering if y'all had a preference. I would love either cut or uncut, but big uncut dicks turn me the fuck on

Similar topics: 1.Do you prefer uncut or cut dicks?   2.girls prefer cut or uncut?   3.Uncut guys: Do you prefer for your foreskin to be retracted during oral?   4.Uncut or cut   5.Cut or Uncut Cocks  

New Comment

By Wrath at 19,Jan,24 19:04 other posts of Wrath 
Cut only
By #708276 at 08,Feb,24 01:56
[deleted image]
Like mine?!!!
By Wrath at 08,Feb,24 02:51 other posts of Wrath 
By #708276 at 08,Feb,24 03:05

By #710046 at 05,Feb,24 20:21
In my experience. Uncuts have always been the biggest and best. ignorance won’t let some see past the “norm” tho
By Cody8789 at 05,Feb,24 22:59 other posts of Cody8789 
Being cut or uncut has nothing to do with the size of the penis
By #710046 at 05,Feb,24 23:26
I know. i was speaking as far as my experience between the two.

By yellowman at 04,Feb,24 12:09 other posts of yellowman 
As nature created, unmutilated, every time.

By #709664 at 28,Jan,24 21:14
I like uncut as when u suck and get it wet u can pull hood down when hard they love it

By Cummingforyou at 24,Aug,23 08:02 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Would love to wrap my hand around a cut dick but love uncut and pulling the skin back and forth

By Emerald at 24,Aug,23 00:52 other posts of Emerald 
I definitely have a foreskin fetish, so my preference is pretty obvious. Long or short, tight or floppy: with foreskin, there's more to play with.

Still, it's actually not that clear cut after all.

I occasionally receive kind messages from guys who are circumcised, which I find very touching. I really appreciate that, and enjoy contemplating how different it must feel to be cut.

I would very much enjoy if someone would use my cock for my pain and their pleasure. If that someone were cut, that would add an interesting dimension to the game.

I enjoy when a cut guy makes fun of my foreskin, and hint that I ought to be circumcised.

Finally, I can definitely appreciate the beauty of a circumcised dick as well. While I love foreskin, cut dicks can be beautiful, and so can the people to whom they are attached.

By #690553 at 17,Aug,23 19:09
Definitely cut!

By Jamie at 05,Aug,23 19:14 other posts of Jamie 
I don't care as long they do the work they suppose to do..

By tb1 at 05,Aug,23 18:41 other posts of tb1 
“do I prefer cut or uncut?” ————- YES
--------------------------------------- added after 4387 hours

Here’s one I like, thermal

By #699038 at 05,Aug,23 06:11
I love uncut but im also ok with cut as lon as its clean im happy

By #688896 at 18,Feb,23 04:22
Mine is cut and I love seeing other cut dicks but uncut ducks are very intriguing to me.

By #688512 at 13,Feb,23 09:51
Intact is my preference

By Wantboth at 25,Oct,22 05:44 other posts of Wantboth 
I love all dicks and cunts, love the feel of both in my mouth, but after being taught sex by my older brother who was uncut, they are my favorite

By #463848 at 22,Oct,22 13:29
I don't mind and will take them as they cum (masturbation).

By yeehawboyy at 16,Oct,22 15:26 other posts of yeehawboyy 
I don't have a huge preference but I enjoy uncut a lot

By slipper at 28,Aug,17 17:59 other posts of slipper 
UNCUTS, small and flaccid preferred.
By kupreanoff at 15,Oct,22 19:09 other posts of kupreanoff 
same here . really turns me on

By bella! at 18,Aug,21 23:48 other posts of bella! 
Although the author of this thread is no longer a member, for what it is worth, a good looking cock is either or. The penis does not define the man, it is all about the man.
By #574505 at 19,Aug,21 18:42
I think Dev01 has a better and bigger cock /4bmt651jaefcpic.html
By bella! at 19,Aug,21 23:41 other posts of bella! 
Ah, yes! Look at its size!

By kupreanoff at 09,Oct,22 18:10 other posts of kupreanoff 
that is impressive
By #680315 at 09,Oct,22 18:48

By thesevenpointfive at 23,Oct,14 19:32 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
By SluttySarah069 at 09,Oct,22 15:42 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Yes - cut every time

By #220845 at 23,Oct,14 17:32
By SluttySarah069 at 09,Oct,22 15:42 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Yes - every time

By PITBULL at 09,Oct,22 14:35 other posts of PITBULL 
I prefer cut guys but not refused an uncut guy.

By #680315 at 09,Oct,22 11:14
Who cares i like all

By #679727 at 09,Oct,22 10:55

By #1102 at 28,May,22 01:38

By gordon at 28,May,22 01:06 other posts of gordon 
Ich mag unbeschnittene Schwдnze

By racer at 19,May,22 00:15 other posts of racer 
Ich bevorzuge beschnittene Schwдnze!

By APBay at 18,May,22 19:41 other posts of APBay 
i prefer uncut.

By #651230 at 17,May,22 01:33
Cut only

By #667453 at 15,May,22 13:34
I prefer uncut

By greenii03 at 25,Aug,21 17:05 other posts of greenii03 

By #631189 at 25,Aug,21 10:37
All cocks are “clean” after a shower. The only dirty cock is an unwashed one, either cut or as nature intended

By petunia51 at 25,Aug,21 05:36 other posts of petunia51 
Hi! I usually like cut because the tail looks gorgeous and it's clean too. I love uncut when the foreskin is long enough so that it can pull over my glans to rub our glans together until we cum together . Interested people can contact me!

By #64328 at 24,Aug,21 21:22
I think cut usually look better

By #626775 at 24,Aug,21 20:43

By stiffpoles at 21,Aug,21 22:03 other posts of stiffpoles 
OMG...I am the same way! I LOVE uncut dicks. But I know exactly why....when I was 15, the guy I lost my virginity to had an 8.5 in uncut cock and I have preferred uncut ever since, even though I am cut myself.

By #631189 at 19,Aug,21 22:57
A fully functioning uncircumcised cock should look exactly the same as a cut when erect!

By #582289 at 19,Aug,21 16:16
I’ve only ever encountered on gguy with foreskin. It was quite a lot of fun to play with but I do think I prefer circumcised penises, both for look and feel.

By #469845 at 18,Aug,21 23:42
Uncut looks better and much more natural, I feel sorry for all the mutilated.

By #632705 at 18,Aug,21 14:16
Unfortunately I’ve never had the chance to play with uncut.

By mastur67 at 16,May,21 15:46 other posts of mastur67 
Cut looks better, and can last longer. Uncut are more
By #64328 at 17,May,21 19:40
I agree with that statement 100%

By #631189 at 18,May,21 06:00
I’ve seen cut guys go off in seconds, so it definitely works both ways
By hornyuncut at 18,Aug,21 13:00 other posts of hornyuncut 

By #61033 at 12,Aug,21 19:32
I don't agree... I am uncut and can fuck my girls for hours. I sometimes don't cum at all.
By hornyuncut at 18,Aug,21 13:00 other posts of hornyuncut 

By oldfartwatching at 13,Aug,21 14:01 other posts of oldfartwatching 
I have to say i love cut cock. But would like to try a uncut cock to compare. Cut cocks in my eyes look nicer

By #202392 at 11,Aug,21 20:57
I much prefer uncut cocks! I love foreskin!

By gradurgaur at 17,May,21 20:04 other posts of gradurgaur 
I Like both for me I do not mind if the Person is Uncut or Cut both look amazing and we are to be proud of what we have

By #498133 at 16,May,21 14:41
I have always loved looking at uncut cocks. Even when I was a kid. Might also be that I am uncut myself
By neednopants at 16,May,21 15:41 other posts of neednopants 
The point is: Being uncut does not mean that the glans of the penis is always covered by the foreskin. I prefer to pull the skin back and leave the cockhead free all the time. I started doing this as a boy, using rubber ring to hold the skin back. But I always loved (and all the women I knew love it too) to play with the foreskin. Lick it, stretch it, pull it, using the tongue or the fingers, with help of oil or not ... When its cut off, this part of male sexuality is missing.

By #568737 at 03,Oct,18 22:11
I was circumcised as a baby. I think cut cocks look neater with the mushroom head showing all the time. I’ve never had any trouble wanking my cut cock or when I get a HJ.
By #542930 at 04,Oct,18 23:13
I was also cut as a baby so do not know what a foreskin is like . A foreskin is a GREAT turn on for me to suck, feel etc.

By #638797 at 26,Mar,21 17:51
AGREE with you Guy

By #518391 at 30,May,19 07:49
Circumcised and proud to show it off[deleted image]
By #631189 at 24,Mar,21 19:54
Yours is fantastic
By #518391 at 25,Mar,21 15:21
I'm pleased you like it! Yours looks much bigger than mine!
By #631189 at 25,Mar,21 17:56
5”er here, nice and average

By #631189 at 24,Mar,21 19:55
Uncircumcised here but I love a nice flared glans proudly on show

By knewbi at 22,Mar,21 21:02 other posts of knewbi 
While I am happy to work on any cock, I really love a cut and shaved cock more than anything else.. But I never turn away a stiff slab of meat...

By willylee at 02,Nov,20 18:50 other posts of willylee 
Small uncut do it for me
By german_guy at 22,Mar,21 18:27 other posts of german_guy 
me too

By Pantyhose1 at 21,Mar,21 23:33 other posts of Pantyhose1 
I love a cut penis! I have only sucked one uncut penis in my life and would like to try again sometime

By #202392 at 30,May,19 02:53
I hate being cut. I wish I had a very long overhanging foreskin

By aussie at 16,Sep,18 11:40 other posts of aussie 
Cut is more attractive. I'm cut and Love it
By #518391 at 06,Nov,18 14:24
I agree!

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