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How old were you , first gay experience or knew you were gay.

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Started by #260870 at 18,Jun,12 13:30
I think was 8 but had no idea what i was doing , now I do hehe.

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By Ablaze at 01,Jul,12 07:54 other posts of Ablaze 
I don't consider to be a gay but I was 8-9 years old when I played with the cock of a friend as well as he with mine and I liked it as he stroked my cock and he mine.

By #119764 at 29,Jun,12 08:01
I was 15, with a childhood friend we did some cross wanking and then sucking. But recently, (I'm 31 now) I got to do the same to my best friend who is married and has two kids!

By #220845 at 27,Jun,12 20:54
about 5 or 6 I'm bi .but I do love dick .

By #134591 at 26,Jun,12 06:20
i was also around 8 - only happened once then. and yes, also had no idea.

but then it happened again at 13 with my next door neighbour who was 11 at the time. that sparked a mutual wanking agreement that lasted for several years till after school. he also got another neighbourhood boy to join us later.

they are both married now, but i sure miss those days!

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