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Does the first experience cause other experiences?

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Started by Small4inch at 15,Mar,23 05:27  other posts of Small4inch
How many guys have done something with another guy. I think most guys have had a same sex experience, usually when they are younger. Maybe 75% have had an experience? Once they have one experience, do they stop or continue?

When I was about 12, an older guy, maybe about 16-18 approached me in a pool locker room and got me in a stall. From there on, many times when I hung with friends, the cocks would come out. It seems that all my friends were willing to play around.

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By toesuckerp at 14,Sep,23 12:13 other posts of toesuckerp 
I probably had my first around 13/14 after school, with someone's dad. I actually liked it/didn't feel violated.

Haven't done anything with boys since, though x

By gayguy at 16,Jun,23 21:35 other posts of gayguy 
Used to jerk off with mates when I was around 12-13, it was fun Later in life I had a friend give me a blowjob , I was very hesitant at first but I really enjoyed it Next time he suggested I blow him, well I have never looked back My only regret is I hadn't started earlier
By Cody8789 at 12,Sep,23 22:57 other posts of Cody8789 
Wow, I didn’t know or cared about sex at 12 or 13

By Jamie at 12,Sep,23 21:04 other posts of Jamie 
I fuck my next door boy neighbor when we were 13 years old

By #699038 at 12,Sep,23 17:02
I started messing round with my best mate when we wer bout 12 or 13 yrs old sucking each other and he would fuck me well i enjoyed it so much we mucked round for year or so but that got me right into cock and ive always enjoyed cock since im bi so was yet to experience women didnt do that until i was 24 but yeh i enjoy both male and female but have prefference for cock

By #677384 at 19,Jun,23 19:47
The first time I was about 12, my buddy put in a porn video while we were ditching school. We drank a few of his mom's beers on the couch and he says show me your hard on line's mine. His head was poking out the top of his underwear, mine was too so we both got naked and just stroked our hard cocks but didn't touch each other. I dribbled a little cum and he did too. That was it for many years, but it made me very curious. I would love to tell you more in PM anytime!
By Small4inch at 12,Sep,23 12:14 other posts of Small4inch 
Would love to PM you you but looks like you deleted your account.

By #696152 at 17,Jul,23 21:11
I once sucked a close relative’s cock, we were about 12 at the time. It didn’t turn me on, it tasted bad and he didn’t return the compliment! But I used to fiddle under the desk thru’ holes in pockets with classmates at age 15-16 or so and that was good fun. Then I fell for a local lass 4 yr my junior, nothing doing sexually! Soon fell I L with my eventual wife and she sadly passed 60 yr later. We were monogamous. A normal growing-up story I suspect.

By #536019 at 27,Apr,23 11:26
I discovered sex at age 13 with several similar-age boys in the neighborhood. It only lasted a couple months, and I didn't have gay sex again until I was around 50 and my wife had lost interest in sex. In the 20+ years since, I've had oral sex with numerous men.
By Small4inch at 16,Jun,23 13:39 other posts of Small4inch 
Did you not have sex with guys during that period because there was no opportunity or were you just not interested?

By #514663 at 07,May,23 10:20
Tough to say I guess might be different for everyone. My first sexual experience was with another boy and after it happened I know I wanted to do more all the time. But I also had already had fantasies about boys before that so it was something I had wanted to do to begin with. Nothing really has changed and I still enjoy sex with men and women both

By Cummingforyou at 07,May,23 09:46 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Had my first guy on guy experience at 15 .,late starter and he gave my first wet orgasm. Had no idea what was going on but loved the feeling of his hand on my penis pulling my foreskin back and forth till I got this urge to pee, told him but he just quickened it all up till I got this mind blowing feeling and shot stream after stream of sperm everywhere. Ever since then loved feeling other cocks and having my own felt . Led to sucking and the occasional fuck . Even went one further with frothing each other

By #657920 at 15,Mar,23 13:48
I started very young at 7 years old. My grandfather invited an 11 year old boy in his neighborhood over so I had someone to play with. He spent the night and we shared a bed. We explored each other's bodies and started touching each other's dicks. Every summer when I was at my grandparents we would do something sexual. When I turned 9 it escalated to sucking each other's dick. When I turned 11 he was 15 we did anal. When he couldn't spend the night we would take our bikes out to the woods. My grandfather knew about it and kept it secret. This also made it easier for others to do sexual things with me. My mother's boyfriend did sexual things with me at ages 9-14. I also did sexual things with boys around my age in my neighborhood. One of which I continued a sexual relationship with until we were in our mid thirties. I still suck cock and have sex with men. I'm married to a man now.
By thicknsmooth at 27,Apr,23 02:53 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Wow that’s hot man dam

By knewbi at 11,Apr,23 14:56 other posts of knewbi 
In my case, I didn't start until I was older. But, once I tried it I couldn't stop. While I love sex with women, give me a choice of a pussy or cock and I'll go for that cock almost every time.

By #662360 at 11,Apr,23 07:36
I had my first boy on boy experience aged about 14 at school where another boy wanked me while we were watching a movie in a dark lecture theatre. After that I just wanted more boy on boy and during my school years did lots of cock play and mutual masturbation. At university that died off as I got girls. But later on when I moved to a new town i got lonely and frustrated and it was hard to get a woman. I got tempted to boy on boy again when I met interested guys. They liked me because I was experienced from school. So I guess it continues on and off.

By #691730 at 11,Apr,23 01:35
For me it's been off and on through the years ... but mostly started in my prepubesent years with likewise curious friends 11/12

By thicknsmooth at 15,Mar,23 06:25 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I agree I started out very young fascinated with my own cock and balls. I soon became curious of other boys and wanted to play with and suck on another boys dick. I had my first experience with another boy the same age as me we were both 8 years old. I will never forget the experience. It was my first feeling of having my dick sucked on and my first taste of a dick. The whole story is in my blog if anyone would like to read it. I later enjoyed playing around with the boys from age 10 on through high school. I still too today enjoy sucking some cock
By Small4inch at 06,Apr,23 10:56 other posts of Small4inch 
I read your blog. Your cock was really big at 13 years old.
By thicknsmooth at 10,Apr,23 22:24 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Yeah I was. I used to be embarrassed around the other boys back then. Looking back now I find it pretty cool 😊

By #671336 at 15,Mar,23 05:53

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