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deformed dick humilation!

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Started by #238854 at 19,Jun,12 02:26
Do you have some words for my dick, which is deformed by phimose?

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New Comment

By #68656 at 19,Jun,12 12:00
Instead of talking and procrastinating about the phimosis why not have a talk with your doctor for referral to a urologist.
Phimosis is highly treatable and you do not need to put up with it, unless of course you like having that problem.

Anstatt viel zu reden und procrastinating ьber die Phimose, warum nicht ein Gesprдch mit Ihrem Arzt fьr die Ьberweisung an einen Urologen zu haben. Phimose ist sehr gut behandelbar, und Sie brauchen nicht gefallen lassen, auЯer natьrlich, Sie mit, dieses Problem gerne.
By #218130 at 19,Jun,12 13:26

Adult Discussion Forum