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tiny deformed dick

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Started by #238854 at 06,Apr,12 00:50
hi i am a 21 years old boy with german and african roots. My dick is quiete small and i have a tight foreskin so i cant see my glans exposed. Even when i have a boner the foreskin covers my glans fully! So i cant have sex and i am still a virgin! What do you think about my dick and what do you want to do with it? How do you like my balls and the colour of my genitals?

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New Comment

By skot at 03,Sep,13 12:43 other posts of skot 
Your dick and balls look fine - I'll skip saying what I'd like to do but there's nothing wrong with either the size or the colour.

Having a covered glans shouldn't stop you having sex with anyone - unless you find masturbation painful because the skin is stretching: in which case go and speak to your doctor. Don't be embarrassed, they've seen it all before.

By Bendy at 04,Aug,13 02:44 other posts of Bendy 
flimsiness. At least it's permanently flimsy...

By greatct at 01,Aug,13 03:46 other posts of greatct 
I had phimosis till age 9. Life miserable. Then circumcised. Life wonderful and sex-full.

By #147052 at 06,Apr,12 14:24
Very nice but you do need to go see a doc about the tight can cause you a lot of problems, especially if you do not keep it clean.
By spermkiss at 07,Apr,12 17:39 other posts of spermkiss 
Very good advice. Instead of asking on an internet chat room, ask your doctor. He or she will probably refer you to a urologist for further consultation. A tight foreskin might cause problems at some point so the urologist might recommend circucision or some other surgical technique. But the place to start is your regular doctor.

By penisadmirer at 07,Apr,12 10:10 other posts of penisadmirer 
you just need to be circumcided, then you can do what you like to... It's a nice cock, i like it also the way it is

By slipper at 06,Apr,12 22:40 other posts of slipper 
Nothing you have written precludes you having sex. It is hardly "deformed." I suspect it is more your self-deprecating viewpoint than anything else. As for size, uncut, phimosis, etc... all appeal to some, NOT turn them off.

Might I suggest that you get over it... and, get on WITH it!!!

By Vita at 06,Apr,12 04:17 other posts of Vita 
not bad afroboy ... more please !!

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