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open your eyes you stupid pricks!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Started by #146919 at 28,Jun,12 07:21
some people of late have been posting pictures of people who are of innapropriate ages.other members leave messages of a complimentory nature or comments that datail what they would like to do,in a sexual way,to these people.i know that they are not all sexual deviants but please for the love of god open your eyes, use your brains and look and think about what and who you are commenting on, its not that hard for gods sake.or to put it in a language you might understand one day the authorities will come a knocking at your door.

Similar topics: 1.stupid ?   2.Do you close your eyes?   3.faces   4.Retarded ass questions that you know are retarded but still want to ask anyway.   5.Are women more accepting of seeing cock in public?  

New Comment

By #155947 at 28,Jun,12 08:52
I already saw the page under username " Alwaiswet" .. Whoever is creating that page is claiming to be 12 years old... Almost a c*h*I*l*d.. As I already wrote in a blog on my page , maybe that young one doesnt even know that her pictures are here .. This is very serious situation and can't be allowed ... I already reported it to Admin and I'm asking everyone to do the same .. Oh no no no , this can't be allowed.. I'm really upset about this ..
By #68656 at 28,Jun,12 12:25
It would appear that the filthy deviant rockspider who created that account is no longer with us, no great loss.
By #275302 at 28,Jun,12 13:33
I was glad to find that out aswell (:
By #267786 at 28,Jun,12 15:31
its quite scary to think you could to said pics, quite easily thinking they are 18 :s

Adult Discussion Forum