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Hello Admin

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #268785 at 28,Jun,12 20:07
Hi, I had a quick question for you. I was wondering why I need to click on the hide premium membership option each night? I would prefer to leave the icon off if possible. It's not biggie, i just tend to forget I need to do it everyday. I wasn't sure if this has been adressed in a thread before, so I apologize for being reduntant if you have already answered. Thanks

Similar topics: 1.admin gay or straight or other   2.Auto logout...Question for Admin.   3.RANDOM BULLSHIT.......DUMPSTER EDITION!   4.Deletions,alexblue,monted and the admin,   5.Admin: This is a Members Request to : Bring back the Ban Feature from the past...  

New Comment

By admin at 28,Jun,12 21:42 other posts of admin 
Seems to be a glitch on your side. If someone else experiencing this, let me know.
By #85103 at 28,Jun,12 21:58
Thanks for replying
By admin at 28,Jun,12 22:41 other posts of admin 
Ok. I seem to have found the problem. Let me know if it repeats tomorrow.

Adult Discussion Forum