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Auto logout...Question for Admin.

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #10886 at 21,May,09 13:32
Admin.....Just a few comments/questions. Can we call you something besides admin? If you do not log off, is there any way you can set it up to log a member off after a certain period of inactivity? That would clear up chat lists so we know that the member is actually in chat and didn't just forget to log out. You are doing a great job and we all appreciate it. Is there a more detailed way of categorizing pics? Uncut, close ups, x dressers, pee, outdoor, etc?? Thanks!

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New Comment

By admin at 21,May,09 15:28 other posts of admin 
You do not need to log out, you just need to close the window.

Many members do not respect these few categories that already exist, I doubt people will place pics into correct categories if there are much more of them.
By slipper at 23,Oct,09 05:16 other posts of slipper 
Most seem to do quite well categorizing at I don't see why this bunch would be greatly different. Some cannot follow directions, no matter what they are.

Adult Discussion Forum