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Started by #277600 at 28,Jun,12 21:27
How many time you do masturbation as men and women,daily,monthly or twice a day or....?

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By #64328 at 08,Jun,18 14:45
7 to 10 times a week. My record for one day was 13.

By #558922 at 08,Jun,18 07:01
5 t0 7 times pre day

By ScottsCock at 13,Apr,18 12:31 other posts of ScottsCock 
On average once a day, depending on my schedule. I almost always masturbate after I shave and defiantly after (or during) a session on SYD!

By #546418 at 13,Apr,18 01:21
Probably averages to about once a day. Well it may be a bit more if you count times I don't cum from masturbating. I sometimes masturbate without cumming a few times to work up a really big cum when I want to finish, usually after edging for a really long time. Like hours. Usually just once a day though. Sometimes not at all and sometimes 2 or 3 where I cum. Rarely cum more than 3 times in a day, and usually with.

By cumaddik at 13,Apr,18 01:05 other posts of cumaddik 
At the very least, once a day...most of the times, twice a day, but on weekend, i just can't stop playing with my cock!

By bella! at 28,Jun,12 21:31 other posts of bella! 
mastUrbAtion? I apologize, you're obviously multilingual. You spell better than many!
By hogweed at 28,Jun,12 21:39 other posts of hogweed 
I masturbate usually once a day, sometimes twice. Even at my age I still get strong urges for an orgasm, with or without my partner. I'm usually at my horniest when I wake up, and I sort myself out with my fingers, which only takes a few minutes. If I feel the urge during the day, I like to use an assortment of my toys to achieve the desired reusult. My favourite toys at the moment are two glass dildos; they feel amazing!!

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