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Small Balls

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Started by #169357 at 30,Jun,12 19:43
My wife and I agree that my dick is pretty small. However, the urologist said that he's never seen testicles as small as mine on a grown man - save for elderly men who produce little to no testosterone. Please let me know your opinion on my ball size and show your whilst you're at it. I actually like my tight, little sack and don't care what the jerky doctor says. My wife says she was embarrassed for me and wants me to stuff my pants to make it look like I have a normal-sized package (I have little to no bulge, depending on the pants/shorts I wear). Good or bad, your comments are all welcome.

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Similar topics: 1.big balls   2.Balls!   3.Small balls?   4.SMALL, TIGHT SACKS WITH SMALL BALLS   5.Small balls to humiliate  

New Comment

By Alwaysnude at 20,Feb,23 15:08 other posts of Alwaysnude 
Doctor told memine are small 2 and 3 cm most men are 4 to 6 cm my wife calls them ity bity balls [deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

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By MoeJoe at 12,Jul,12 09:26 other posts of MoeJoe 
I think they look fine to me....instead of stuffing something in your pants to make your bulge bigger, maybe you should tell your wife to stuff a sock in her mouth....or maybe she should team up with the doctor......maybe he has balls that would appeal to her!
By #595057 at 25,Jul,19 20:10
I agree

By #446346 at 09,Jul,16 01:22
I know all about tight small balls. Everyone that has played with me comments, some good.

By #147052 at 27,Jun,13 13:56
As long as she is happy with what you have, why worry?

By slipper at 11,Jul,12 04:51 other posts of slipper 
There are many here with smaller/tighter. I cannot believe a professional would say that to you (or anyone else). If they work to YOUR satisfaction, who cares?

Btw, I and many here love a tight, small sack and yours is okay in this regard. Mine is small and tight much of the time because of disease as a teen... but, I'd like 'em even tighter.

By spermkiss at 30,Jun,12 20:25 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, your dick and balls are small, but so what. The most fastinating dicks are those at the opposite ends of the size scale. Obviously big dicks get a lot of attention, but the very small are also very attractive. And yours is ultra attractive. Perfect shape and perfect proportion. And most important of all, you are happy with it.

So keep taking pictures of it and keep showing it off. I sure do like looking at it.
By spermkiss at 01,Jul,12 00:05 other posts of spermkiss 
Another thing you could do if you or your wife is concerned about your not having a nice bulge in your pants is to not wear pants. Just walk around with no clothes below the waist so that everything is out there for the world to see. Wouldn't it be nice if we all could do that?

Adult Discussion Forum