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Shaving pits

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Started by #28806 at 24,Oct,09 10:08
Did it for the first time yesterday. It's great. Feels good and stays dry. Who's with me on this?


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By MoeJoe at 24,Oct,09 13:39 other posts of MoeJoe 
I've been shaving my entire body except my head hair for a long time...from my feet to my face and everything in between....I love it smooth and will always keep it that way.
By #17503 at 25,Oct,09 18:04
Hey MoeJoe, love your smooth bod, but tell me, how the hell do you shave your ass? Maybe you don't have a hairy ass to begin with? Maybe you have help? Maybe you have really long arms and a couple of good mirrors? What?
By MoeJoe at 26,Oct,09 08:37 other posts of MoeJoe 
To give my ass a thorough shave, I lay on my back with a couple of pillow piled under my ass and throw my legs up and as far back as they will go, then use a hand mirror and run the razor over my ass crack, getting every hair...then between these shaving sessions I just squat in the shower and run the razor quickly between my cheeks to keep it smooth on a daily basis.....nothing like a smooth ass!

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