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Shaving Balls

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Started by #73104 at 17,Jun,10 02:58
Was wondering if any of you guys have tips on shaving your balls. I usually shave my pubic area and shaft but I get nervous shaving my balls....any ideas??

Similar topics: 1.Shaving your cock   2.Shaving   3.Shaving your cock and balls   4.shaving question   5.Shaving and wanking  

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By BirdDog at 29,Dec,24 03:57 other posts of BirdDog 
It's pretty easy to do. I just take my time. If my balls are tightened then it is really easy to shave them. When they are more loose and hanging is when I need to be more careful. The feel of shaved balls between my thighs is awesome throughout the day! Especially walking up stairs!

By Lucky at 23,Dec,24 17:48 other posts of Lucky 

By #289712 at 03,Oct,16 10:13
Be gentle. Just cover your ground. Pull the skin taught so you don't catch loose skin.
By #497672 at 06,Oct,16 13:15
I use the same method.

By #220845 at 02,Oct,16 18:46
Womens hydro silk razor, good lather shower soap

By #500604 at 24,Sep,16 23:51
I shave sometimes [deleted image]

By #206678 at 24,Sep,16 20:53
Gillette twin blade (has an Aloe Vera lubricating strip) and use in the shower!

By #121361 at 24,Sep,16 12:02
Do you like this Way ? [deleted image]

By #61033 at 24,Sep,16 05:59
A 5 blade razor works best for me. No need to be too careful either, I just shave away and have not had any problems yet.

By Stigma33 at 20,Sep,16 01:22 other posts of Stigma33 
I use cool water to make my balls nice and tight before I put the shaving cream on. Tight balls are a hell of a lot easier to shave!

By #451981 at 21,Sep,16 13:56
Thanks .... that's a great idea.... I've just started shaving my balls again after my wife called me a pervert for doing it !! & I do find it difficult to shave them when balls are soft ..... so I'll give it a shot !!

By onthelose at 21,Sep,16 01:15 other posts of onthelose 
all I can say is it would be soooo much easier with some help getting to the hard to see areas. I have used a gel for men just follow direction completely.

By xxx25 at 20,Sep,16 10:51 other posts of xxx25 

By #254338 at 20,Sep,16 03:06
dont use a hair trimmer or OneBlade...

By #517226 at 18,Sep,16 07:41
I use the Gillette fusion with lots of shaving cream. I have found that if you use a new razor cartridge every time, you reduce the chance of getting razor burns almost entirely. After, I dry them off completely and then rub in body lotion with aloe Vera. I have never cut myself or had any accidents.
Good luck!!!! Nothing to be nervous about.

[deleted image]

By #102374 at 17,Sep,16 21:06
I use a body groomer on cock, balls, and ass.

By #311947 at 11,Jul,15 10:13
Dont rush it.

By jayman73 at 09,Jul,15 23:39 other posts of jayman73 
Be very gentle and pay attention. They're not your face and if you treat them that way.... it's not good.

By #460385 at 09,Jul,15 18:39
Lighter fluid and a match works great. Just apply aloe to the burnt balls after. You'll be fine.

By kockslinger at 05,Jul,15 19:50 other posts of kockslinger 
Gave up shaving years ago. I pull them out with tweezers or pliers. Stays smoother longer but I'm not looking for a smooth all over look. Only hurt in the beginning and now I barely feel it.

By MoeJoe at 18,Jun,10 10:13 other posts of MoeJoe 
I run a razor over my nuts everyday in the shower to keep them silky smooth!

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