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Disrespect or just sexy?

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Started by #264861 at 02,Jul,12 19:31
I along with a lot of other people, love it when people tell me how sexy my girlfriend is and I even enjoy it when they go in to detail about what they would do to her. Which seems like most would consider it disrespectful, but she and I both really really enjoy it. So feel free to look at our pics and be asperverted as you'd like. (:

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New Comment

By #279137 at 02,Jul,12 19:48
She looks very nice and it's not disrespectful atall. Everyone seems very happy wiv the situation so keep piston pics I say!!!
By bella! at 03,Jul,12 00:44 other posts of bella! 
How are you able to determine whether everyone is happy? This pic may have been taken without her consent.... You can't see her face, she may be sl eeping and totally unaware! Could that be disrespectful?

Adult Discussion Forum