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What makes a person sexy?

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Started by stiffone4u at 28,Sep,20 02:55  other posts of stiffone4u
My wife is a very attractive woman. She is in great shape and looks great in a bikini.She excites me when I look at her, but I don't find her too sexy. Some women (maybe men too ( just seem too ooze sexy. Younger Angelina Jolie oozed sexy, Jennifer Aniston, really good looking but to me not too sexy. I think it's a combination of things like attitude, confidence, looks and something they are born with. I'd like to hear your thoughts and if you care to share a pic to support your theory that's great.

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By nekekal at 26,Mar,24 17:30 other posts of nekekal 
Sexy is mostly attitude. I have seen pretty average looking women that are really sexy. But it is a very difficult quantity to define. And probably differs from guy to guy. I agree that Angelina Jolie is sexy. Something about the way she moves.

By Luvanicecock at 26,Mar,24 14:19 other posts of Luvanicecock 
If I’m just looking at pics, it’s more about the way the photo makes me feel. If I’m dealing with people in real life, it might be someone with a really cute ass, or it might be someone that makes me feel like I’m home.

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