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Lose points for posting pics,why!

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Started by #280619 at 11,Jul,12 21:00
When u post pics and u have different pics u want to post in different catagories why does admin delete points? Does that mean if i have 10 cock pics and 2 ball pics and i change cat. To post ball pics They delete points. Thats wht happens to me, they deleted points for changing cat. That doesnt seem rite

Similar topics: 1.Point System Glitches?   2.Beware members who vote "not"   3.lost points   4.Points deduction   5.POINTS SYSTEM  

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By #164428 at 12,Jul,12 05:13
For those who don't know, too, you lose points for having a lot of pics. Once you hit 300, you lose three points per upload. Once you reach 400, four points, and so on, I imagine. It's probably a penalty due to space limitations.

If you upload too many at one time, there's some penalty, too, though I forget what it is. Just FYI.
By fila1305 at 12,Jul,12 20:13 other posts of fila1305 
According to the 'about points'-section of the member support, the penalty you talk about is more then 12 pics in 1 hour.

By #81191 at 12,Jul,12 14:53
I try and delete a pic as I put a new one up. I also try be as varied as I can

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