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How often do you masturbate?

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Started by #280720 at 14,Jul,12 23:33
How often do you masturbate?

Similar topics: 1.Do you masturbate when getting sex regularly?   2.masturbation with circumcised penis   3.Masturbate before sex   4.Ladies, do you like to masturbate for men to watch?   5.Masturbate-a-Thon  

New Comment

By #41858 at 03,Feb,13 05:12
Every day!!

By Ablaze at 02,Feb,13 15:15 other posts of Ablaze 
Every day 2-5 times penis masturbation and 1-2 times anal or anal+penis.

By small-is-beautifull at 02,Feb,13 14:20 other posts of small-is-beautifull 
once or twice in a month. sometimes once within two months.

By #303909 at 02,Feb,13 09:14
As much as possible. Every morning when I wake up, I get wanked by my BF. Sometimes I add a session during the day and sometimes even at night. This is the best free "thing" in life, use it!

By #343933 at 18,Jan,13 10:10
I mean, that one can only answer this question statistically. Because the masturbation behavior is dependent on age.
I am 67 years old and masturbate since I was 9 Age on a regular basis ie daily. (For many years I have masturbated regularly three times daily.) That's 59 years. In that time I have masturbated about 27 100 times. Even now I masturbate on average 1.9 times per week. I have therefore the exact numbers because I have had interest from a sexual diary. I've tried (out of interest) get along without masturbation at the age of 23 years, 21 days I have endured, it was hell.
It seems to me many years old masturbators have the same problem.
My problem is that I no longer masturbate every day like I'm used to it. The reason is that the erection fails and the stimulation to orgasm is not enough because the penis has become relatively

By #285354 at 22,Jul,12 00:33
I average 3 times a day. I love variety. I'm always looking for something new to try.

By phil at 20,Jul,12 05:05 other posts of phil 
once a week to have a thick semen!

By #62682 at 17,Jul,12 23:48
Few times a week with lots of slipppery lube

By #259179 at 17,Jul,12 14:33
Everyday 2time, morning and evening time....

By Sickboy at 16,Jul,12 23:26 other posts of Sickboy 
Couple of times a day need 2 let it out!!

By #277911 at 16,Jul,12 16:50
I do it twice a day cos I am always horny

By #64328 at 16,Jul,12 09:11
7 to 10 times a week. some days none and some days 3 times

By #263008 at 16,Jul,12 02:19
11times today
By slipper at 16,Jul,12 05:48 other posts of slipper 
Is that why it's blue (black & blue)?

By slipper at 16,Jul,12 05:45 other posts of slipper 
About every chance I get! ...like NOW!!!

By #159413 at 16,Jul,12 02:38
usually I do that once of week or even longer,and I could make my cum fly everywhere and shoot more than 14 times

By #270555 at 15,Jul,12 14:42
i jerk off every morning when i wake up and at least 2 or 3 more times a day

By #111645 at 15,Jul,12 13:09
usually at least 4 times a day, sometimes more depending

By Campino at 15,Jul,12 12:46 other posts of Campino 
2 times a day i think

By #16500 at 15,Jul,12 09:03
I do it everyday or every chance, I use lube most of the time and now I'm enjoying toys alot. I like to look at either penises with foreskin or sexy female feet. mmmmm

By jackie at 15,Jul,12 04:42 other posts of jackie 
Everyday at night. I love masturbation. It is so good than anything.I like to cum all over the bed.

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