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Masturbate before sex

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Started by #224308 at 09,Jan,12 20:48
I've heard of guys who masturbate before sex,personally if I masturbate before sex ...I don't need sex till later but is it a practice...Anyone do it

Similar topics: 1.Do you masturbate when getting sex regularly?   2.How many have seen you masturbate?   3.masturbation with circumcised penis   4.Ladies, do you like to masturbate for men to watch?   5.Masturbate-a-Thon  

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By petunia51 at 25,Aug,24 07:25 other posts of petunia51 
I have a firm plan: Whenever I want to fuck my gf, I mssturbate one hour befohrand! Then our shagging lasts much longer!

By Smoothsilk at 23,Aug,24 01:26 other posts of Smoothsilk 
I masturbated in massage parlor showers before the massage, so I would last longer.

By #662360 at 03,Dec,22 21:58
I’ve found that masturbating an hour or so before anticipating sex with a woman helps me to take much longer to cum when I’m shagging her. It makes shagging harder work but well worth the effort!
By tb1 at 01,Aug,24 18:38 other posts of tb1 
I agree, I’ve done this too back in the good old days
By Moench at 02,Aug,24 08:24 other posts of Moench 
Is a good idea but who knows exactly that the wife is in good mood for sex one hour later
By tb1 at 02,Aug,24 10:26 other posts of tb1 
True but in my dating years, I hoped for the best even though in the 60’s it was hard to find girls who would fuck 🙁🙁

By #136427 at 12,Nov,13 12:47
Always good to take a round out of the chamber
By tb1 at 01,Aug,24 18:42 other posts of tb1 
good analogy

By Smoothsilk at 26,Jul,24 16:35 other posts of Smoothsilk 
Used to jack off before going to a massage parlor, so that I would last longer!

By Lvphose at 27,Feb,24 21:01 other posts of Lvphose 
During as part of our sex play!

By #625826 at 02,Dec,20 02:45
Yes , did the same ,back in the dating years.

By earthy at 02,Dec,20 01:50 other posts of earthy 
I do that sometimes. For me about 30 minutes before is best.

By #626775 at 30,Nov,20 03:39
I have several times

By bella1123 at 28,Nov,20 20:29 other posts of bella1123 
Quite often need to. Fat dick + tiny tight pussy = milked

By #64328 at 30,Jul,19 15:58
In high school I always did it before going on dates just for that reason, so I could not cum too quick.
By #463848 at 17,Oct,20 13:17
I used to try that but it didn't really work. My young cock could cum just by looking at it. Put it anywhere near a pussy and the end was nigh.
By #64328 at 18,Oct,20 17:46
I think we all could cum to easy when we were young so this was my trick to last much longer. I had a few girls share experiences with other guys that came much quicker than I did

By nekekal at 18,Oct,20 05:07 other posts of nekekal 
I did that for many years. When dating, I would masturbate just before going out so that my cock would not be hard and leaking while I was trying to be charming and taking her out of her pants.

Also, I would cum much to quickly. It was ok for me since my cock would stay hard and I could just keep fucking, but if the woman noticed she usually thought that it was over and wanted to stop. Especially my wife. When I knew that she would let me fuck her, I would masturbate before I started. By the time we had some foreplay, and she was wet and ready to fuck, my cock was ready too.

By #621517 at 12,Oct,20 22:04
I used to do that in my younger days if I was hopeful of getting full sex later. Sometimes the anticipation of getting sex got me rock hard and wanking it off was the best way to get my cock down so I didn’t arrive with a prominent stiff. I found I could last longer when I was shagging a girl if I masturbated an hour or so before.

By #595788 at 29,Jul,19 21:14
I used to suffer from premature ejaculation, squirting my load moments after I slid my cock into her. I found that if I masturbated to a cum an hour or so before sex I could pump my cock in her much longer.

By BirdDog at 23,Apr,18 01:28 other posts of BirdDog 
After reading Plato's works, i have learned that after a pint or two of beer I am able to last all night long or longer if needed. "Plato's thoughts on the matter: “He was a wise man who invented beer.”

By Darthshame at 22,Apr,18 16:57 other posts of Darthshame 
I don't, but admittedly cum pretty fast when it's been a little while. I'm to last much longer in round 2 after a ten minute break. So i believe that the theory is sound.

By leopoldij at 22,Apr,18 11:45 other posts of leopoldij 
Depends. "Before" means, for me, not immediately before but earlier, before meeting up. And I do it when I sense I'm particularly horny and might not last long during sex. I can tell exactly when this will be the case, that is, when there's a chance to cum too soon, so masturbating earlier solves the problem. Last night, for instance, I met a girl in the hotel bar and started chatting, or "chatting" because her English was rather rudimentary. Sensing that this might lead to something better, I popped into the bathroom and rubbed one off (masturbated). My thought was that, regardless of the developments, it would feel good. It did. But then, the said developments did indeed take place, and I was rewarded with a great fuck in her room that lasted a while thanks to my wise decision to masturbate earlier that evening.

By #522791 at 22,Apr,18 01:46
I've done it many time... especially in my teenage days

By #553294 at 18,Apr,18 21:16
When I have a steady partner, I like to make mutual masturbation a part of our regular lovemaking sessions. Before we have sex, I like to masturbate her to orgasm as she returns the favor - and time my orgasm so we get there simultaneously. I've always had a really short refractory period, so I can usually be ready to go again ~5 minutes or so after I reach orgasm. If I'm really horny, I can usually stay hard & reach orgasm again. I learned to control my orgasms when I was really young (years before puberty), so I can time it so my partner & I also climax together during sex.

By #532438 at 26,Apr,17 22:01
When I first started shagging, an old workmates told me an old proven method for sustained errection longevity, a good wank 1 hr before sex, simple as that. I used to last up to an hr sometime I used to fuck em raw.

By #502711 at 15,Oct,16 22:23
I try to hold off from masterbating for as long as I can so I can actually cum

By #7976 at 01,Sep,16 02:35
I've masturbated before sex for two reasons. Firstly, to get primed for sex and be super turned on. The second reason is to get off first is so I'll last longer.

By #519017 at 31,Aug,16 08:47
Sometimes I masturbate a couple of hours before if I know I'm getting sex later. It means that when I have sex later I take a lot longer pumping her before I cum, and there's no lack of semen! It's a useful help for premature ejaculation.

By #358797 at 12,Nov,13 13:04
I had an ex I'd insist masturbated before sex. If he didn't, it seriously lasted 30 seconds. Very irritating, especially because he didn't touch/lick/fondle anything. Before or after. Blech.
By #424399 at 12,Nov,13 13:58
I guess that's one of the reasons for the "ex" prefix
By #358797 at 12,Nov,13 20:02
Just one reason. There's a list a mile long.

By #427369 at 12,Nov,13 16:53
By #358797 at 12,Nov,13 20:03
Long and hard sounds perfect.

By #124665 at 06,Jan,14 07:25
Such a shame
By #358797 at 06,Jan,14 13:19
I know, right! Hopefully I never encounter that issue again.
By #124665 at 06,Jan,14 16:48
I doubt you'll have that problem with me, just sayin
By #358797 at 06,Jan,14 17:36
I doubt I will, too, but... I still think you should come prove it.
By #124665 at 07,Jan,14 10:40
Be careful what you wish for

By leopoldij at 13,Jun,16 03:53 other posts of leopoldij 
This reminds me....
I had a classmate who used to go to a Chinese diner before going to any dinner he'd been invited to. Otherwise, he was embarrassed to show how much he eats.

By #136427 at 26,Feb,14 20:54
Blow jobs before sex

By #289712 at 07,Jan,14 14:35
Depends. If im really horny, or if the person significantly turns me on, then yes. The more time having sex the better! Ive simply had to in the past. The anticipation was unbearable. So id break out the lube, and give my penis a workout, blow a big load of cum, and im set.

By #370079 at 05,Jan,14 15:55
I masturbat some day before sex without knowing my wife. So I get more time for sex

By #64328 at 16,Nov,13 20:38
In high school I always did before, when I knew I was going to have sex. I remember once picking up my date and before we left her parents house I ask to use thier bathroom and jacked off

By Walker at 09,Nov,13 22:34 other posts of Walker 
Several women want me to masturbate before sex to unload my sperm. Several jack me or suck me off two times then make me pee before we have sex. It is a form of birth control for them.
By #23212 at 12,Nov,13 09:29
With that kind of "birth control" you could repopulate a whole county in Alabama, I'd think.

By slipper at 09,Jan,12 21:27 other posts of slipper 
When I was younger... it gave me remarkable staying power for the main performance!!! Of course, at that time I could get hard and cum every 15 to 20 minutes most of the day, if I could stand the soreness during the later sessions!

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