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masturbation with circumcised penis

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Started by cute30 at 02,Jun,11 15:07  other posts of cute30
i always wanted to know how cut mens masturbate because i am uncut and i really don't know how they masturbate.uncut penis have foreskin over glans due to that foreskin rubbed with glans and we should masturbate easily but in case of cut penis no foreskin present over the glans,then how masturbate is possible please told me.

Similar topics: 1.circumcised or not?   2. Circumcised penis cum pics please! ;)   3.Circumcision when did you discover?   4.My ugly circumcised penis I wish I had a foreskin   5.Originally circumcised and now looking like I could use to be circumcised again  

New Comment

By Zizicirconci at 27,Apr,23 00:28 other posts of Zizicirconci 

By Manitobamayhem at 03,Nov,22 12:19 other posts of Manitobamayhem 

By #662360 at 01,Nov,22 09:27
Simple. Hold your hard up cock like this and start stroking up and down. [deleted image] Let me know if that doesn’t do it for you and I’ll give you a helping hand.

By Lvphose at 01,Nov,22 03:55 other posts of Lvphose 
Uncircumcised like this!

By #671055 at 11,May,22 05:37
I am not thinking so much about masturbating, but without the foreskin, the tip is more sensitive, and if I wear the right underwear, and position, and just so, it feels amazing, as I just walk!! Semi-wood, just because it feels good!

By #667715 at 05,May,22 06:36
[deleted image] I use a gentle friction to excite it, to get my penis engorged. Then I move my hand up and down my Cut, Hardening, Ginger, Pierced, Cock Shaft Stem. As I play and caress, stroke, fondle, stimulate and massage the Helmet Head of my Dick. Paying very close attention to the Stimulations that start surging throughout my penis...

By #463848 at 03,May,22 09:14
Give yourself the answer. Pull back your foreskin and hold it down as far as it will go. Lube your glans and just below, then rub the glans, keeping it bare of foreskin. I think that you will find your orgasm comes more quickly that way.

By #610414 at 21,Apr,22 12:32
I never seen my men have problems with masturbation with or without foreskin

By leopoldij at 21,Apr,22 01:20 other posts of leopoldij 
Masturbating alone [deleted image]
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Masturbating again [deleted image]
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Masturbating more [deleted image]
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Cumming without masturbating [deleted image]
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Being masturbated by my girlfriend's sexy female friend [deleted image]
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Being ass-masturbated and balls-licked by Julie [deleted image]
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Julie masturbates me [deleted image]
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Helen masturbates me [deleted image]
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I masturbate and empty my load on julie's body [deleted image]
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M masturbates me [deleted image]
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Masturbating at work [deleted image]

By Greek18cm at 20,Apr,22 17:09 other posts of Greek18cm 
Hi. I am not cut (so I guess other guys will give you better answers) but my foreskin is retracted, meaning my cockhead is always out like those guys you see with cut ones!

Personally I like rubbing my cockhead dry, no wet no lubricant nothing. Most guys don't like that or can't enjoy it.

But for those there are many solutions, some use lubes some have a little more skin even they are cut and use it, some use clothes or other substances.

My advice. If you retract your skin obviously the first (many) times you will not feel comfortable to play, especially the first seconds or minute.

After some minutes you will see that it will become more comfortable. After many times or a year you will become like me, you will have a cockhead that does not care about uncomfortable touches.

Be ware, my skin can easily stays behind the cockhead on its own and without complications. If yours Do not stay on its own don't force it. (you can retract to play for some minutes if you want but don't force it to stay for long).

Only if it stays alone, then you can let it there for a day and start to pretend you are cut... It feels awesome.

I tell you what. It sounds stupid but...
Even if I am naked infront of someone, only when my cockhead is out of the skin I feel really exposed and naked...

If that's make any sense. It's that feeling that make me retract my skin. That and that my cock looks awesome like that I guess. Cut ones look better I guess..
By leopoldij at 21,Apr,22 01:16 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm circumcised and so my head is always visible.
I masturbate in front of others and do feel naked.
I like to be watched by female friends.
Look at my videos to see how I masturbate.
I like to shoot my cumload on hot bodies.

By Lvphose at 11,Feb,22 04:07 other posts of Lvphose 
Like this you can hear the lube slurp sounds!

By #662360 at 08,Feb,22 18:50
Easy. I’m cut and I just wrap my hand round my shaft and stroke up and down till I shoot my cum. That’s how my wife hand jobs me and she does it very nicely.

By kebmo at 25,Jan,22 04:01 other posts of kebmo 
Here you go! My method.

By #661088 at 25,Jan,22 02:36
I tried giving a circumcised man a hand job once,and it was difficult. Wasn't able to finish.

By Chiara_Sevenseas at 20,Dec,21 11:51 other posts of Chiara_Sevenseas 
I don't need any lubricant, I get wet by myself with drops of pleasure and precum as soon as my cock becomes stiff.

By #463848 at 20,Dec,21 10:41
If you are masturbating someone who is circumcised, then use plenty of lube and he will be pleased.

By #637145 at 28,Oct,21 05:41
I’m circumcised. I don’t need lube. I use it as a treat, though. Lube feels better and makes my dick pics better, but I usually don’t have the patience for it.

By kebmo at 15,Jun,18 06:36 other posts of kebmo 
I never use any lube. Just me, my hand and my cock.
By 3fdfd at 25,Sep,19 15:34 other posts of 3fdfd 
Sounds familiar ... Me Too

By SluttySarah069 at 26,Oct,21 17:00 other posts of SluttySarah069 
And me - never had a problem even though I'm cut. Always enjoyed wanking or edging.

By #463848 at 26,Oct,21 12:35
Usually, they become less sensitive and can rub their hand over the glans without discomfort; especially if they use lube. I am not cut but I like to use lube on my dick head with the foreskin pulled right down. I can get an orgasm quicker that way.

By #631189 at 05,Oct,21 16:39
This thread just shows us that we all get pleasure from our cocks in our own favourite ways, either intact or circumcised. I pull my foreskin back and rub the bare head dry when I’m wanking, I don’t find it uncomfortable or rough at all, just incredibly pleasurable!

By Ablaze at 11,Jul,21 10:59 other posts of Ablaze 
I'm not circumcised but when I do a handjob to cut cock just spit on my palm and use my fingers as normal handjob.

By #645870 at 10,Jul,21 16:58
This is how I masturbate, pretty easy!!
[deleted image]

By #536019 at 16,Sep,20 17:44
Lube! (Sex toys are good too.)

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By new2day at 16,Sep,20 17:33 other posts of new2day 
I used my fingers and thumb to rub my glans and circumcision scar to get myself semi erect. I usually apply a lube like baby oil to make movement of my hand easier, I have a tight cut so there is no loose skin on shaft when erect. Firmly gripping my penis and sometime changing hands and movements, it's the stimulation of my glans that gets me to cum.

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Sep,20 15:16 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I'm uncut, but that doesn't make a difference, when my cock is fully erect. Still, most of the time, I can use the foreskin, dry, to masturbate.
When I masturbate with the foreskin completely retracted, I use spit or lube or a masturbation sleeve with lube or running water from the shower.
When I was younger I could masturbate by using my own mouth. I am very sorry that I can no longer do that.

By #518391 at 01,Aug,19 09:41
I wank my circumcised cock generally with lube (Swiss Navy and Liquid Silk are good)...rubbing a lubed helmet is bliss and the area of my circumcision scar is also very's great as I work my hand up my shaft over the circ scar and hit the helmet rim.
By cut5x5 at 16,Sep,20 14:47 other posts of cut5x5 
I wank with the same technique as you. My circ scar and helmet rim must be stimulated in order to cum. Using Liquid Silk is the best.

By #621517 at 16,Sep,20 09:38
I’m cut and I masturbate by wrapping my hand, or just my finger and thumb, round my hard up shaft and rhythmically stroking up and down till I cum or if I want to edge. Then I jerk my load just like any other wanker. Never had any problem. Same with hand jobs.

By #64328 at 25,Sep,19 15:48
I'm cut and the skin on my shaft moves freely. Jacking off dry has never been an issue. I did have a friend growing up that had no movement of the skin on his shaft and always used some type of lubes. Usually lotion or hair conditioner. But he masturbated as much as me, just had a little more clean up afterwards

By 3fdfd at 25,Sep,19 15:32 other posts of 3fdfd 
Never had any trouble masturbating my cut cock. I learned to do it back about 14. Even though it doesn't get hard anymore, I still can masturbate easily. I never understood the problem of masturbating with a cut dick.

By #594693 at 31,Jul,19 02:23
We do it the same as you...only without the extra skin. Simple as that. There is not trick to it, you don't do anything different. I never use lube and just don't require it, and I am tight cut with no shaft skin movement when erect.

By #583549 at 30,Jul,19 00:46
I have a circumcised cock and I have no problem masterbating to a orgasm.I do not need lube,I just stroke away on the entire length of my cock!
By #595788 at 30,Jul,19 21:33
Just like I do, though I find the point where my shaft and head meet is the most sensitive place to stroke.

By #595788 at 29,Jul,19 21:19
I’ve never had any trouble masturbating with my circumcised cock. I get up hard. I wrap my hand round my shaft. Then I stroke my cock up and down. I like catching the base ridge of my penis head with my thumb and forefinger in a ring round my cock. I slide my hand right up over my knob. I do that till I cum and it feels real good. Sometimes I lube, but I find if I stroke loosely I don’t need it. My woman HJ’s me the same way and it’s good!

By #536019 at 07,Jul,18 11:35
I rarely used lube when I was younger and just wanted a quick orgasm. I use it now for hour-long edging.

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By cumn4u at 07,Jul,18 06:06 other posts of cumn4u 
This is how i like to masturbate with my circumcised cock.

By #543717 at 21,Apr,18 15:13
Here you can see how I masturbate my circumcised cock:

only registered users can see external links

[deleted image]
By #463848 at 05,Jul,18 10:49
Nice, but we don't know what went on before and how long you had been playing with it. Surely it would have to be very sensitive or had a long bit of foreplay to cum that way.

By #558745 at 04,Jul,18 15:02
Of course you can, I frequently do it.

By #518391 at 18,Jun,18 07:40
Of course you can masturbate a circumcised cock without lube...I'll show you if you want to see how it's done!

By honey1 at 11,Jun,18 06:09 other posts of honey1 
U can't mastrubate without lube
if u don't hav a foreskin .. Fact '
Every cock should b an intacted cock, I personaly **** the
phrase 'uncut' as it implys not done ! Every man is born
with his foreskin ment for a lifetime of pleasure an
protection. It's a crime on my book to remove a
mans foreskin! An this site is proof !
By #539358 at 11,Jun,18 16:54
I’m uncut and I love masturbating my cock with the foreskin pulled back tight with no lube. The sensation is so intense compared to when I used to use my foreskin and my orgasms much better. The other good thing is that it loosened my frenulum as it used to be really tight when I was younger. Best of both worlds here!
By #550094 at 16,Jun,18 02:48
My foreskin is permanently retracted, and it has
always been that way since my teens.
I can still roll it forward but I can't cover
my cock head entirely with it, unless I'm flaccid.
When my cock is hard my foreskin rolls just
up to the bell edge of my cock head, I'm fine with that.

I like to edge my cock after a hot soapy shower...
...I sit by my computer naked, allowing my cock
to thoroughly air-dry; then I lay back on my bed
and gently stroke my cock in a feathery "grip"
between my thumb and index finger
(like an "Okay" hand sign) while my cock feels
dry silky smooth, and I slooowly stroke from
the ridge below my cock head all the way down
my shaft and back up again.

After doing that for a while I might "sock pull"
my cock a few strokes with a polyester cloth sleeve
over my cock head until I'm almost oozing pre-cum;
then I stroke my cock bare-handed to get my
pre-cum flowing out and add either my own spit,
or a few drops of lube, or olive oil, and continue
edging for a couple hours and then I "doorknob"
my cock head in my gripping palm until I cum.

Sometimes I like to use Albolene on my cock,
because it makes everything slippery and it stays
really slick when mixed with my pre-cum.

I'm enjoying the best of both worlds:
as a "cut" and as an uncut cock.

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By #558687 at 16,Jun,18 02:33
I gave been jerking off my circumcised cock for over 50 years, mostly without lube and have been doing just fine. I didn't even know this was a question.

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By #501472 at 15,Jun,18 05:57
I have a cut cock I find a bit of shower gell helps seems to make it tingle and a better sensation on the head

By #463848 at 15,Jun,18 05:53
All my boyhood friends were cut and as I wasn't they wanted to wank mine. At that time oral and lube were not possible so I had more fun than they did; which was a pity as wanking a cut cock with lube is a good feeling.

By #531019 at 04,May,18 11:26
No more than a teaspoon of lube to get started, if turns into a marathon the precum takes over.

By #463848 at 04,May,18 06:12
When, as a boy, I was wanking my friends (almost all of them cut) I had a problem because I am uncut and boys who were cut tended to get sore very quickly, especially if they started from soft. In those days I did not know about sucking or that would have solved the problem.

By #539358 at 19,Apr,18 08:00
Just to awkward, i'm intact but masturbate as a cut guy would. I retract my foreskin tight and rub on my glans ridge with my forefinger and thumb holding the shaft lightly with the other three fingers. No lube as the sensation I get is much more intense. I used to use my foreskin but find this method much more enjoyable, my orgasms are much more intense this way.
By #463848 at 04,May,18 06:09
I do the same as I have a short foreskin; but I do need lube if I am wanking a bare cockhead. However, if I just use very loose finger circle on a really hard erection, I can just make it feel OK especially if I am close to orgasm.

By massco at 04,May,18 02:42 other posts of massco 
I use Albolene a lot of it. makes everything slippery

By Smoothie71 at 28,Apr,18 10:33 other posts of Smoothie71 
Almond oil

By #518391 at 26,Apr,18 09:16
I need lube if I work my helmet (which I prefer)...but can rub my knob without lube until I almost shoot....sometimes I'll just work the shaft up to my helmet a different sensation. Lube is always there in the form of saliva if necessary, so it's not a problem
[deleted image]

By #554860 at 21,Apr,18 08:52
I have to use lube when I masturbate, there's no other way it's comfortable for me. I was cut fairly tight, but they left some very sensitive ruffled skin on the underside near my frenulum which is still pretty much intact, so I like to focus on that area as well as just the head.

By #543717 at 19,Apr,18 18:29
I can rub my dickhead dry: donґt need any lube, just form a ring around it with my index and thumb.
Sometimes I use lube, soap, or such, just for a change.
My older BF prefers to jack me off with lube, my younger one does it without.

By #553294 at 18,Apr,18 20:52
I have what's known as a very loose circumcision. I can easily roll my shaft skin up to the top of the head when rock-hard, and I can easily pull it all the way over my cock when soft. So, I've never needed any lube.

Fortunately, the doc also left my frenulum intact.

I masturbate to orgasm by lightly rubbing my frenulum in a circular motion with my forefinger, using the thumb & fingers method, and the full-fist around the shaft method. I also use a vibrator sometimes.

Here are soft & hard pics that show how loose my cut is:


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Closeup of my circumcision scar & frenulum when erect:

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By cute30 at 20,Sep,14 16:45 other posts of cute30 
anymore comments or pics

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