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Comparing with mates

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Started by #283024 at 16,Jul,12 08:46
You guys ever compared cock sizes with your mates? I did in boarding school. Final year, sitting around playing cards in one of my buddy's rooms at night, talk somehow got onto wanking, how often we did it, who'd had sex, who hadn't, then moved on to cock sizes. We all chatted/joked around about it for a while, and this one guy kept going on about how huge he was. After a while I just said, 'Prove it then' and suggested a comp. He got all bashful and started to change the subject but I'd seen him soft in the locker rooms and figured I could take him. Next thing you know it we all whipping our dacks off, getting hard and lining up/measuring. The guy who reckon'd he was huge came in fifth! I took out second place, and my best mate came in first (shade under 8 inches).

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By #117783 at 19,Jul,12 00:39
I was about 8 years old, when I remember taking a ruler to measure the respective lengths of my flacid and erect penis. I used to encourage my friends to do the same, so we could compare measurements. I don't remember any astounding lengths, but I do recall how incredibly quickly my tiny 1.5 inches, would rise up at 80 degrees to a rock-hard 3.5 inches of willy. I also rememebr it usually did the same when shaking off the drops after a pee.
By #64328 at 19,Jul,12 07:55
and I thought I was the only eigth year old that was already measuringhis

By DarkMax at 09,May,24 15:26 other posts of DarkMax 
Oh, my school friend also had 1.5 inches while I had ~5: /blogs/53351.html

By DarkMax at 09,May,24 15:17 other posts of DarkMax 
My real stories:


Even as a little boy, I was already aware of the difference between the sexes and I was drawn to the shameful. I often masturbated while sitting in the bath. Of course, at that time I did not yet have sperm, and the foreskin rolled back only to half of my brown cock head, but I still enjoyed rubbing my cock and playing with silky testicles.

Oh, then the erection was iron. The cock got up instantly and rested in an arc against the navel, it was difficult and even painful to move it by hand. Sometimes I would smuggle an old Soviet wooden triangle ruler into the bathroom. At six years old I already knew how to count, and I really liked measuring my penis. I still remember what measurements I had then: 8 cm long by 2 cm wide.

One day, bored during a kindergarten quiet hour, I pulled down my shorts and began to jerk off. I lay and played with my hands under the covers, not being afraid of adults, but soon my neighbor from the bed opposite drew attention to me. The guy asked what I was doing, and without hesitation, I lifted a light blanket and showed what exactly I was doing with my cock. The boy's eyes lit up, he directly glared at my cock.

The guy's hands quickly rustled under the blanket, clearly repeating my movements. Then the boy lifted the blanket and I followed him. And then his gaze became clear to me. In front of me was a penis twice as thin and shorter than mine, the only thing I envied was the fact that his cherry head was exposed, at least not entirely, but to the corona of glans. I immediately felt an incredible surge of pride and excitement.

We looked at each other's dicks and jerked off, holding the blankets in the air with our free hand. Other guys saw us too. Everyone began to whisper and wiggle their arms, like me, raised up blankets began to flicker.

The next day it all happened again. As soon as the teacher left, all the guys, as if on command, lowered their panties and began to masturbate, but the fact that they were jerking off next to me was not enough for me. I wanted to see cocks of the other boys, make sure that mine is bigger, and show it to everyone.

I just threw off the covers and stood on the bed with no pants on. I jumped up so fast that my tender young cock slapped my stomach with all my might. I stood and jerked off, towering over the group. I heard enthusiastic voices. My example was followed again. And now in front of me on the beds were boys without panties. And I was more and more proud - cocks of all these village kids were thinner and smaller than mine. The biggest cock I saw was only 2/3 of mine.


The following story happened when I was at the junior school. My penis had already grown to 14 cm by that time.

I missed the kindergarten and the "entertainment" that was at it. One day my two friends and I stayed for paid additional aftercare lessons (the so-called "extension"). When the teacher left the class on business, one of my friends at last agreed to show me his penis and masturbate. I unbuttoned my black trousers and took out my erected veiny penis.

The guys were delighted. The friend, a same thin boy as I, also quickly took out his very thin (probably one and a half centimeters thick) and short penis. The foreskin, having adhered to the crown, still did not expose its cone-shaped head, the forms of which were clearly visible even from under the skin. And the second guy flatly refused to get out his cock, afraid that the teacher would return any minute. We didn't share his fears.

In exchange for the size of my pride, the excited comrade told me that his penis was only 7 cm long. I again experienced the already forgotten pride in my cock and, overwhelmed by this feeling, began to masturbate. And the classmate immediately joined this activity.

The second friend's penis I saw another time. He showed it to me outside in the bushes. It was even smaller: 4 cm.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

There were also rumors at school that one guy in my class had 24 cm.
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But those rumors were in high school.

By #64328 at 20,Jul,12 18:20
Im sure most guys did. I wonder how many diffrent types of games were played by everyone. I know we played many diffrent games growing upand the sole porpose was to see your friends dick.

By #261269 at 19,Jul,12 05:30
Have to agree with liketoedge, loved all those dare games so could see other cocks! Great fun!

By spermkiss at 17,Jul,12 16:02 other posts of spermkiss 
Isn't this part of growing up and don't all (or most) boys do this? I certainly did.

By #218130 at 17,Jul,12 07:50
Never did, felt a bit embarrassed with my size.

By taurus at 16,Jul,12 12:00 other posts of taurus 
When I was about 12 my friends would compare in the dressing room in school and they where so amazed with my balls that i (shy) always tried to hide it with my towel.
We also made a chart for the girls tit's, ranking the biggest. The girls heard about it and did their own big bulge-chart, and i was elected number 1. I was to innocent to take advantage at that time...

By #64328 at 16,Jul,12 09:07
I had a few friends growing up that we did things like that. Comparing, truth or dare, strip poker, chicken. Also other compititions that the real reason was to see the other guys dick.

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