When i was little and had no sense, i took a piss on an electric fence, it hurt so bad, it shocked my balls, i pissed all over my overalls.
By #358797 at 18,Feb,14 01:56
I know this is kinda off topic, but I have a friend who pissed on an electric fence, and it made his pecker crooked. Real shit. I saw it. Lol.
By #358797 at 18,Feb,14 01:28
🎶Sing a song of gonorrhea,
A bush that's full of crabs,
Four and twenty ulcers crusted up with scabs.
When the scabs break open the cunt will start to sing..
Isn't this a lovely place to stuff your poor cock in?🎶
(Overheard my grandfather singing that years and years ago.... )
By #396572 at 17,Feb,14 21:43
Old mother Hubbard
went to the cupboard
to get the poor dog a bone
But when she got there
The cupboard was bare
And so was her man with a nun
Old mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to get the poor dog a bone But when she got there The cupboard was bare, so the dog gave her a bone of his own!
Mary had a little lamb, she tied it to a pylon, 150 thousand volts shot up its arse and turned its coat to nylon!
By #68656 at 21,Jul,12 08:38
Hello Dog.
Trust all is going well.
I can recall several songs and suchlike prose that we used to sing when I was in the Army but they would be inappropriate to publish here.
Regards and greetings from Oz.
By #218130 at 21,Jul,12 08:59
Ag come on John, sing us one of those dirty Army songs
A bush that's full of crabs,
Four and twenty ulcers crusted up with scabs.
When the scabs break open the cunt will start to sing..
Isn't this a lovely place to stuff your poor cock in?🎶
(Overheard my grandfather singing that years and years ago.... )
went to the cupboard
to get the poor dog a bone
But when she got there
The cupboard was bare
And so was her man with a nun
Trust all is going well.
I can recall several songs and suchlike prose that we used to sing when I was in the Army but they would be inappropriate to publish here.
Regards and greetings from Oz.