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A Note To Steffi

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #428387 at 18,Sep,13 11:16
As our beloved Steffi is unwell I thought we could use this space to send her get well cards little notes of encouragement poems things to cheer her up .

Similar topics: 1.Cum4steffi   2.Steffi   3.toy boy   4.Friends of Cum4Steffi   5.Has anyone heard from Steffi since she left the site?  

New Comment

By #472683 at 09,Sep,14 04:11
I'm back!!!!
By #428387 at 09,Sep,14 08:40
A BIG BIG welcome back hon hugs N' kisses .
By Ray10754 at 09,Sep,14 09:06 other posts of Ray10754 
welcome back

By *kmadeau* at 09,Sep,14 09:08 other posts of *kmadeau* 
WELCOME back Sweetie!

By botanic at 09,Sep,14 11:43 other posts of botanic 
that is such good news .

By #354861 at 20,Dec,13 00:55
I try to do all of those things for her daily now.
By #459351 at 07,Sep,14 20:08
Tell her she is missed by me and my significant other
By #459161 at 08,Sep,14 02:29
Thats where you should be you sick fuck
--------------------------------------- added after 57 seconds

You cornfedbitch big ol heffer
By bella! at 08,Sep,14 02:40 other posts of bella! 
Wow! Where is that coming from!? The comment and emoticons were not necessary.

By #428387 at 08,Sep,14 11:34
Please guy's don't use my forum topic for personnel vendettas. I put it up for one soul purpose to wish a very dear friend good health and happiness .Alas because of all the negativity and hat3 that was going down at the time she was forced to leave and I am now trying my up most to get her to return. Restraint please . Jeff Pool.
By bella! at 08,Sep,14 14:09 other posts of bella! 
You request that members respect your thread for Steffi and no personal vendettas. Interestingly, you showed no respect in the MEMBERS YOU MISS thread which is a thread for EVERYONE that has left, regardless of individual feelings.

By Gntlmn at 07,Sep,14 19:57 other posts of Gntlmn 
'Miss you, Steffi

By Sickboy at 29,Sep,13 18:57 other posts of Sickboy 
Big hugs, steffi ....XOXO

By hornyteacher at 29,Sep,13 12:27 other posts of hornyteacher 
get well soon,

By #201155 at 29,Sep,13 11:59

By #143536 at 29,Sep,13 01:00
Get well, Steffi! Keep your spirits up

By #359325 at 19,Sep,13 17:23
Thoughts and get well wishes coming your way out west in california...

By *kmadeau* at 19,Sep,13 07:45 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Get well soon, sweet Steffi! Never forget that sex is the best remedy for everything!

By *kmadeau* at 19,Sep,13 07:44 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By camcock1 at 19,Sep,13 03:55 other posts of camcock1 
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

By Ricci1972 at 19,Sep,13 00:46 other posts of Ricci1972 
Get well soon what a great person you are

By CreativeOne at 19,Sep,13 00:39 other posts of CreativeOne 
Get well soon Sunshine !

By #81191 at 18,Sep,13 22:33
I am sure we all wish you a swift recovery

By #428387 at 18,Sep,13 11:20
A little something for our Steffi.
[deleted image]
By sherryann at 18,Sep,13 21:16 other posts of sherryann 
Steffi, my thoughts and prayers are with you my friend. Please let us know how you are. I'll be praying for you Steffi.

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