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point log rip off

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Started by littleun at 21,Jul,12 15:31  other posts of littleun
admins point log is a phony rip off. I lost 20 points last nite for posting pics from the same two batches that already have pics "correctly catagorized. why were the two last nite penalized. what a rip off from a phony admin

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New Comment

By #275302 at 21,Jul,12 16:20
I agree with Admin, and I don't think it matters for him how many points you do or do not have. The points log system doesn't really have anything to do with your pics being flagged as 'wrong category'. I **** it how so many people seem to think that admin is personally accountable for mistakes they make themselves.... Seems it's pretty easy to point fingers at the person who built and maintains this site. What a way to say "thanks".... If it wasn't for admin you wouldn't even be able to enjoy this site. Grmblsbfjsbdkdb.
By #218130 at 21,Jul,12 19:07
Hear Hear

By admin at 21,Jul,12 15:50 other posts of admin 
First, I do not categorize pics, other members do by at least 5 votes.

Second, you posted these two photos today at midnight:

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

Into main category and naturally they were flagged by members as incorrect category.

Next time you should post yourself what you were penalized for, so everyone can see that the fault was yours and I do not have to waste my time.

Adult Discussion Forum