Recent Posts of member littleun


Old Dick 23,Mar,23 19:56
point log rip off 21,Jul,12 15:31
little dicks 29,Jul,11 04:43


By littleun at 25,Mar,25 21:47
I have over 4,000 dick pics of all kinds. Anybody Want to trade a few?

By littleun at 26,Feb,25 23:42
I collect dick pics by the hundreds. I Have all kinds, ages, types you name it I probably have a dick pic like it.

By littleun at 25,May,23 01:25
Do you really?

By littleun at 30,Jan,23 21:29
I like little ones like yours!

By littleun at 18,Dec,22 19:51
I love fondling and sucking soft pnp dick.

By littleun at 13,Dec,22 04:08

By littleun at 27,Sep,22 21:16
I certainly do!

By littleun at 24,Jul,18 04:46
No shit

By littleun at 28,Feb,18 04:49

By littleun at 28,Jul,17 04:01
Be glad you are! Love looking at little soft dicks. My tag is "littleun" cause I love um!

By littleun at 02,Jun,16 04:31
Not only are you an incredible grower, but so beautiful when limp.

By littleun at 10,Nov,15 03:58
I'm curious what admin thinks about "site police", as in bella and john s?

By littleun at 30,Jun,15 01:26
Good lord. from tuna caserole to pissy fairy rant? to over use a phrase, Really!

By littleun at 21,Dec,14 05:35
same to all

By littleun at 17,Oct,12 02:30
4 inch and smaller is my fetish!

By littleun at 16,Oct,12 05:15
in a heart beat

By littleun at 07,Sep,12 02:05
neddie, look in my or moe joes favs. you can see enough softies to burn your eyeballs

By littleun at 30,Aug,12 05:39
and where is john from aust. on this. for every man on earth, there is a different name for his

By littleun at 30,Aug,12 05:29
and why am i not suprised at the name for your pretty pussy. You always seem to be sweet, soft and very kind. how appropriate

By littleun at 24,Aug,12 01:49
i agree with Jay. I'm gayer than a goose, however if i got a comment from either bella or steffi, i would be highly complimented that they cared to comment at all!

By littleun at 03,Jul,12 04:56
chill sd. some of us are not trying to make A STATEMENT. my moniker is about what i like, not who i am. perhaps i should have made it "like littleuns" some of us do ya know

By littleun at 22,Mar,12 04:33
northern calif

By littleun at 13,Mar,12 04:41
i have a friend 68 in federal prison. sent me a note, "man, i can least jack the old cock"

By littleun at 08,Mar,12 04:20
wish i was in the uk. i would be the first at that clubs sign up!

By littleun at 14,Feb,12 05:13
once again, admin makes a change and does not notify registered members. consistency makes this site unique. never a change in admins approach to change!

By littleun at 14,Jan,12 04:12
the last sentence of bp's post says it all. Common courtesy takes the day

By littleun at 12,Jan,12 05:56
i love the littleuns!!

By littleun at 17,Dec,11 17:49
i have a good one if you like small dicks and large men

By littleun at 19,Nov,11 03:33
shrimpy, pi and slip glad to have you as friends!

By littleun at 18,Oct,11 16:12
i have nice favorites if you like big men and small dicks.

By littleun at 15,Oct,11 03:06
heck yes size does matter. I am super turned on and horney for little dicks. look at my favs. so it only matters when whoes looking and what they are horney for!

By littleun at 14,Sep,11 01:58
to all the friends i just offended by deleting them. I'm sorry. I deleted everyone. the policy change is fine, its admins site, they can do what they like, however, i have never seen something handled so unprofessionally. What a dissapointment from a nice site.

By littleun at 14,Sep,11 01:50
well admin got their way. I deleted all my friends and it is a feature i wont use again. way too much hurtful feelings and confusion over policy that was never explained. How sad from such a fun site for admin to be so im-mature and unprofessional in what should have been a simple policy change.

By littleun at 13,Sep,11 15:05
so admin. now you have a lot of hurt feelings from people that go online and see dozens of deletions with no reason and no explanation. Way to go. No communication. just policy. Are you perhaps retired from US government work?
Or perhaps just a bad case of inter-cranial rectal inversion?

By littleun at 27,Aug,11 19:40
i have to admit. i too have a real thing for the small ones. i have a few pics in my favorites.

By littleun at 28,Jul,11 04:22
i like small best! Big bellys, small dicks, yum

By littleun at 28,Jul,11 04:20
tiny, no. yummy yes