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Straight Guys and Cock Pics

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Started by #199630 at 26,Jul,12 06:42
Interested to know how straight men feel when they see the cock pics on this site - do they make you horny - do you get horny and would you like to slide cocks with another guy or wank off with him? interested to know?

Similar topics: 1.Question for the straight guys   2.Do all straight guys have gay fantasies?   3.Admin, please consider…   4.Why do straight guys visit this site?   5.Gays guys fucking women  

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By #134591 at 27,Jul,12 06:34
i think why this question keeps coming up is because the internet gives us easier access to anonymous but straight forward discussion and debate and well, unrestricted porn that people would not necessarily have had access to before. consequently it lets us explore things that previous generations didn't easily get to and sometimes we find unexpected results.

the other problem is society's obsession with gay and str8. the reality is that one's sexuality is a lot more complicated than - "im 100% gay" for example. but also because society used to attached such a negativity towards sexual contact with someone of the same gender is why people are so bothered with classifying their orientation.

but the collective conscience seems to be changing maybe thanks to the internet, hence the question repeating itself over and over without a clear answer. i maintain: "I think everyone's bisexual to some degree or another; it's just a question of whether or not you choose to recognize it and embrace it." - Bjцrk.

By #101710 at 27,Jul,12 03:42
I don't want to fuck a guy or to suck a cock (maybe to be sucked) but I like to watch other members pics, get me horny so I wank over, does it make me bisex? Probably but isn't that the reason we all are on this site? Just a label, only matters to have fun

By #286115 at 26,Jul,12 08:17
oldbugle I'm confused about what you mean re confusion bout sexual activity? lol! Please clarify?

bragger mostly when I see cock pics here I think about making them cum. Yeah I DO get horny lookin at em! Fuck yeah! Horny as hell! More than Iever thought I would. And as I've recently discovered I'd cum real hard slidin cocks together too. I'd prefer to wank off ON him! (his).

You rascals on this site! Now you've got me fixated on frotting! I'm gonna be thinkin bout it all the time now for a while! lol!
By #6568 at 26,Jul,12 14:17
On this site it comes up again and again and again,...."I'm completely straight but now want a cock"....."I'm straight but if I suck a cock will I be gay"......"how often do straight guys think about sucking cock"....."all straight guys are turned on by other cocks"......"my friend saw my cock, does it make me gay?.....Does it make my friend gay?....the dog saw it too so what about him?""""".........

........It just goes on and on and on and's not like they don't really know the answer!

By #6568 at 26,Jul,12 07:43
This keeps coming up here and many men seem vry confused about their own and general sexuality....

For what it's worth; I'm completely straight and have never been interested in any sexual contact with another male,....never even thought about it until coming to this site, which I do to 'display', but also enjoy for a variety of reasons.

I do sometimes see very inspiring and handsome cocks here, but it's rather like admiring a prize winning marrow on a vegetable plot!.....just that, admiration.......there's no sexual turn on or desire to touch or stroke it anymore than I have desire to jump over the wall of the vegetable plot and start lascivioulsly stroking the marrows!

.....Sometimes I surmise how a particular specimen would feel to a woman and how it might be during intercourse etc, and I can find this sexually 'inspiring', but there is no arousal just about another penis...... For me it is totally different to looking at pix of naked women!
By #218130 at 26,Jul,12 09:14
Very well explained

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