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Gays guys fucking women

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Started by #437064 at 27,Dec,13 05:27
You hear these stories all the time about straight guys who eventually try cock and like it, but what about the other way round? I know gay guys who have NEVER fucked pussy, but like all gay guys say to straight guys, how do you know if you never tried?

So the question is to fullblown gay guys, not guys who started straight and turned.

Have you EVER had sex with a female, was it better/worse than you expected, did you do it again? If you haven't done it, why not? How do you know if you never try?

Similar topics: 1.RIMMING   2.A handful of good fucking reasons for a snobby bitch to ban annoying turds.   3.Do straight guys like cocks.?   4.Gay guys... Answering questions for women..   5.If the Title says girls.. answer.. Gay guys DONT FUCKING ANSWER...  

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By #585606 at 06,Jul,19 07:56
I do wanna try having sex with a woman at least once but scared IL either not be able to stay hard or be shit in bed since I've only ever been with guys

By #522126 at 06,Jul,19 06:16
My wife and her friend have a gay (male)couple as friends and did anal with them,the guys pulled out and came in the girls' mouths and absolutely loved it!

By #584883 at 03,Jul,19 14:43
Although I am gay, I have fucked a few girls in there late teens to mid 20's, who never knew there real Dads and now developed a kind of Daddy fetish, tell me I am the ideal looking father figure with my hairy chest, beard, stocky build, and being a 58 year old man too, and it was quite hot experience too, them calling me Daddy the whole time!! [deleted image]

By #161491 at 27,Dec,13 13:36
I've never had any kind of sexual contact with a woman...not even kissing. This is simply because I'm just not sexually attracted to women or the female body, and the idea of having sex with a woman feels totally unnatural to me. It's not that I can't appreciate the attractiveness of some women, and it's not that I can't appreciate what a woman may have to offer or find certain things about female sexuality enticing. It's just that I'm VERY sexually attracted to men and the male body. It's always been that way, even back when I was four years old, long before I realized what a homosexual was. And it's not just a man's dick; it's EVERYTHING on a man's body. Hell, even men's elbows could turn me on, although, of course, the sexual parts REALLY turn me on.

The "how do you know you don't like it if you don't try it" philosophy is a flawed one. I mean, I already know I'm afraid of heights, but why should I have to stand on top of the Empire State Building and lean over the edge just to make sure? How do I know I wouldn't enjoy scuba diving? The fact is, I don't WANT to go scuba diving. It's just not something that appeals to me. It's not that I don't think I could ENJOY the physical sensations of sex with a woman, as I'm sure it would feel good. But it's not like I'd reach orgasm and then take a look at her naked body and say to myself, "Oh my God, I'm attracted to her now!" or start looking at women out in public and start thinking to myself, "Wow, I'm attracted to their bodies now...and all it took was sex!" Ain't gonna happen. I've been in this skin for 48 years now, and I know myself quite well. I'm a very, very homosexual man.

Oh, by the way, ALL gay guys don't say that to straight guys. I'd never done that and never will...although goodness knows I've seen many a hot straight guy and thought to myself, "Damn, too bad he doesn't play for my team!"
By #23212 at 28,Dec,13 03:39
Quite eloquent!
By MM_DD at 14,Apr,17 15:13 other posts of MM_DD 
Thank you. I posted that four years ago under a different user name, but it still applies 100%.

By routemaster at 09,Apr,17 06:58 other posts of routemaster 
I had sex with a couple of girls in my late teens even though I knew I'm gay and those experiences were not happy, for the girls nor me. I then accepted my gayness and lived openly as a gay man all my adult life, the only time I deviated from that was when, against my better judgment, I accepted an invite to a bisexual party - six men, two ladies - way back in 2003. I nearly turned round and went home when I was halfway to the venue but it must have been curiosity that drove me on. I let the ladies suck my dick, lick my balls and ass but there was no way I could screw them, I spent most of the evening getting fucked by the guys and that felt a bit strange too with the ladies watching. Despite being invited several times to further bisexual parties at the same place, I haven't been again, it wasn't really me but I can see the attraction of it for guys and girls who are bisexual - which I'm not.

By #363802 at 08,Apr,17 22:09
I'm bisexual, I still LOVE women! A woman's body is amazing! But sometimes I just need that BIG dick! So, yes. I'm attracted to men and women, I don't think I could give up either one for the other!
By leopoldij at 08,Apr,17 22:14 other posts of leopoldij 
You're lucky!

By #316255 at 30,Dec,13 07:16
A person isn't straight if they can be 'turned'.
By #23212 at 03,Jan,14 06:58
Yes. People do not get 'turned'. People 'open up', 'think deeply', reassess, etc.

By #301038 at 27,Dec,13 06:36
I have several friends, who are "fullblown gay" and every single one of them never had any attraction towards women. It's not that they never had the opportunity, it's that they never thought that would be a good idea.

One of them, associates himself with women more, than with men. He thinks that he was supposed to be born a straight woman, but something went wrong. And sleeping with a woman would be gay for him. And being gay is against God's will. He is pretty religious too...

Another one had very complicated relations with his mother and he just hates women all together. And from the way he picks up partners and what he does with them, I got a feeling like he is trying to be "a better woman" than any of those guys ever had (he goes for the "straight" married men). This guy has a man cave and he is the best "lady of the house" you'll ever meet. He cooks, entertains, sings, plays pool, also is extremely proud of his "no gag reflex" and can swallow pretty much any cock out there.

And a gay friend that I had back in school was also not into women, he thought they were disgusting.

I'm just wondering if any fullblown gay guy would even consider sleeping with a woman? Would they be opening their bisexual side for that?

Coincidentally, all three were raised by their mothers with no dad in the picture. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
By #23212 at 28,Dec,13 03:38
As I'm sure you know, 'Peach', both gays and straights can have various amounts of mental illnesses, separate from their 'orientations'. IMHO, the issue for all 3 of your gay friends was 'an amount of mental illness', NOT being gay.

By spermkiss at 27,Dec,13 06:32 other posts of spermkiss 
I'm as gay as they come and yes, I've had sex with women. The truth be known, most gay men have. Why? Because we have so many opportunities. It's been my experience that being gay is a Major Babe Magnet. Talking about this with gay friends, my experience is far from unusual.

I even went to far as to have an affair with a woman that lasted about nine months. She was definitely the instigator in that affair but I willingly went along. I never stopped thinking of myself as a gay man while the affair was in progress and it was always an open relationship. (As I was fond of saying at the time and ever since "She's screwing other men and so am I.) But in our circle of friends, men and women, gay and straight, we were regarded as a couple.

What was the sex like? It was good, but being gay, sex with men is better. Perhaps the most rewarding part of having this affair was a feeling of camaraderie with straight men that I had never known before. To walk down the street or into a restaurant with an attractive woman on my arm felt really good.

It is for this reason that I always recommend to straight men that they have a fling with another man. Indeed all men, straight and gay, should play an inning or two for the other team. It will do them good.

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