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Question for the straight guys

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Started by #94215 at 16,Sep,10 10:11
This is aimed at the straight guys who don't like a bit of cock on the side - does it bother you that other guys jack off to your pics on here?

Similar topics: 1.Are the straight guys on this site offended by gay men complimenting them?   2.FIRST CONTACT WITH A GUY   3.Gays guys fucking women   4.Question for gay or bisexual men.   5.Straight guys; What's your price?  

New Comment

By #677376 at 06,Oct,22 16:52
Guess I’m straight because I am married and enjoy M/F sex (eating and fucking pussy) but………. I thoroughly enjoy watching gay porn with dudes jerking off, sucking cock and full sex. Also thoroughly enjoy jerk off sites where I can jerk off while watching other dudes jerk off, knowing they are watching be jerk off.

By #673511 at 06,Oct,22 07:02
I love knowing people use my pics and loook at me to make themselves cum!

By curvy8 at 06,Oct,22 04:48 other posts of curvy8 
Not a problem at all. I love the attention

By #680589 at 06,Oct,22 04:34
No it doesnt bother me i like to watch a guy get hard from watchin me jack off

By dragonsegg at 27,Sep,22 09:17 other posts of dragonsegg 
here to show off so i don't have a problem with other guys wanking to my pics

By massco at 26,Sep,22 15:38 other posts of massco 
Not sure why it would bother you.

By Rudeboy1977 at 11,Sep,22 06:05 other posts of Rudeboy1977 
Nope. If I can help some else get off while I'm getting off, that's fine with me.

By nekekal at 10,Sep,22 23:20 other posts of nekekal 
No. I lime my cock. If someone else likes my cock, so much the better. If being viewed by guys who like cock bothered me, I would not be here.

By Lvphose at 03,Sep,22 03:40 other posts of Lvphose 
Not at all!

By #678430 at 02,Sep,22 11:31
I don't mind at all. At least a guy will tell you how beautiful your cock is and only few women do. I not interested in cock but will happily show it off. Waiting to be verified.
By Dev01 at 02,Sep,22 11:35 other posts of Dev01 
... Guy...

By Alwaysnude at 31,Aug,22 02:58 other posts of Alwaysnude 
Not at all I sometime do [deleted image]

By #662360 at 30,Aug,22 14:09
I’m not bothered in the slightest. That’s why I’m posting my cock pictures on this site. I hope lots of boys out there have a good hard Jack off over my penis pictures.

By Italian8 at 06,Nov,19 03:48 other posts of Italian8 
I am here to show off. So it doesn't bother me.

By DJS at 29,Sep,19 07:28 other posts of DJS 
I would be flattered if someone jacked off to my pics,
Shows you someone fantasies about you

By #595788 at 28,Sep,19 21:54
It doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I thought that was what SYD is all about. That’s why I’m here.

By thebeewolf at 28,Sep,19 20:36 other posts of thebeewolf 
Fuck no, it doesn't bother me. I hope they're imagining that they're sucking my cock balls-deep. And then I hope they chat me up and describe it to me in detail. I would let him really suck it, too, if the geography was right.

I can appreciate a large or nice looking cock. But I am not attracted to men in any way. I just unzip for the ones who want to suck. I close my eyes and imagine Scarlet Johansson.

By #579885 at 28,Sep,19 20:28
Not at all, even if I'm straight I'll get pretty excited when someone appreciate my hairy shaft.

By Tushar1230 at 27,Sep,19 19:46 other posts of Tushar1230 
No, I absolutely have no problem with it! In fact, I'll be quite fascinated if anyone does ^^ but I'm totally straight btw.
You can check out my dick here ➡️

By Bigdaddy402 at 26,Sep,19 18:24 other posts of Bigdaddy402 
No it dose not bother me at all. I like showing my cock off for all to enjoy.

By #594446 at 07,Aug,19 09:04
I want them to jack off to my pics, call me a hot exposed slut, send me private messages. Actually anything they do on my page or photos turns me on.

[deleted image]

By #554098 at 24,May,18 03:39
So many different dicks here, and I never thought I would like looking at them, before, but one day I found Bailey Jay, online, and wondered why "she" got me so hard!!
Then came across this site, and 'Manly' dicks, not 'shemales,' but still got hard to many!!
So yeah, looking at all the different ones here, and really liking some, and others, in different ways.
I ADORE women, but I am sometimes a little excited by some here, not just hard, but sometimes in girl's underwear, or just soft, but also some that do freaky things, like sticking things up their dick!
Do most that post here want comments on their pics??
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 06,Aug,19 12:03 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
I do. (Like comments)

By abagurio at 06,Aug,19 14:53 other posts of abagurio 
Nicely said. I feel exactly the same (and also like comments...)

By abagurio at 04,Aug,19 21:16 other posts of abagurio 
Why should it bother me? It's exciting!

By #588927 at 04,Aug,19 21:13
Not at all. I'm complimented. Men just do nothing for me sexually. We are all a stripe on the sexual spectrum, some of us are just a little more boring of a color.

By #518391 at 04,Aug,19 20:27
I'm flattered if anyone does![deleted image]

By #595793 at 04,Aug,19 02:30
No I love it!

By #594072 at 03,Aug,19 22:52

[deleted image]

By #595788 at 03,Aug,19 22:44
It doesn’t bother me the slightest. Why else do we post pictures of our dicks? Jack off to your heart’s content over my pics boys.

By DJS at 03,Aug,19 22:25 other posts of DJS 
Just as good as a woman complimenting on my cock.its a compliment end no problem

By #522171 at 21,May,18 10:04
Don't mind at all, the more the merrier

By #552589 at 21,May,18 05:04
Not at all.

By #546476 at 20,May,18 21:53
not in the the thought of guys getting off to my cock....anyone who does....please let me know

By #535766 at 13,May,18 03:13
I like the thought of a gay guy jacking off to my pics . I would send him some more .. nasty ones ..

By #522126 at 12,May,18 16:03
I like the thought,take it as a compliment,I might even post some more pics for guys to wank off to.

By cardinal at 11,May,18 17:58 other posts of cardinal 
Could careless if any dude checks my junk out and likes it the thought of him masturbating doesn't cross my mind unless he starts flirting then that will be a prob.

By #540352 at 11,May,18 13:12
Flattered by it but not necessarily interested in the details.

By #491116 at 09,May,18 17:37
Doesn't bother me at all! In fact, I appreciate the fact that my nudity causes such reactions!

By PS1234 at 09,May,18 16:45 other posts of PS1234 
Not at all.

A compliment is a compliment.

They can send me pictures doing it as well if they want

By #455846 at 09,May,18 13:41
I think this is the idea , isn t it. ddo what you like. When you like and enjoy

By #555742 at 08,May,18 00:36
I am straight and I dont care nor does it bother me. What bothers me is when people know your sexual orientation and selfishly leave you messages that make you feel uncomfortable or know well is going to be a turn off for you but such is the world, its full of dicks

By #556372 at 07,May,18 22:19
many guys used to jack off to my wife's pics,,,she loved it,,,i would not mind either,,,

By #556177 at 03,May,18 08:59
Not at all. I'm not shy i think I'd show anyone if they asked

By #486048 at 02,May,18 01:59
no it doesent bother me at all.

By #518391 at 26,Apr,18 09:03
I'd be flattered if that happened!
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 01,May,18 21:20 other posts of 3fdfd 
I am sure I have. You have a great cock

By PoloFields at 29,Apr,18 07:41 other posts of PoloFields 
Never thought of it.

By Nevermore at 29,Apr,18 07:40 other posts of Nevermore 
I'd be more bothered if hundreds of gay guys were looking at my cock and *not one* of them liked it enough to jack off.

By Dong69 at 29,Apr,18 04:46 other posts of Dong69 
Nope it does not bother me, they even fav my pics, and i tell them to enjoy them!!!!

By #502711 at 26,Apr,18 10:02
I welcome it!

By #433665 at 26,Apr,18 03:00
Don't bother me, I don't have to see it. Besides I would probably let them suck it

By Toasty at 18,Apr,18 20:43 other posts of Toasty 
I don't mind it's actually kinda hot, the thought when people masturbate off to your pics

By #553294 at 18,Apr,18 00:29
Quite the opposite - I find it to be a big turn-on!

By #531302 at 21,Mar,17 00:49
Not a problem.

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