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Started by #236406 at 26,Jul,12 13:00
Anybody up for verifying me? I know it's not that important but I'd just like to be verified. If anyone's up for helping just get in touch, thanks

Similar topics: 1.verification   2.Verification   3.Verification Misconception…   4.Age authentication in the UK from April 1st shows and cam chats  

New Comment

By #244480 at 30,Aug,12 21:36
I have asked many but nothing has happened
By bella! at 30,Aug,12 22:22 other posts of bella! 
Keep asking you'll connect with someone. I have confidence!
By #244480 at 15,Sep,12 16:09
I have asked and asked ...
By #275302 at 15,Sep,12 16:15
Not every verified member can verify others. You can only verify if (I believe) you have been verified for a year or longer (:
By Ray10754 at 15,Sep,12 16:19 other posts of Ray10754 
If you go to the list that John s posted and click on any of the members it will bring you to their page,one you are on their page click on their verified check mark and it wil tell you if they are able to or not
By #289712 at 15,Sep,12 16:26
i am unaware of the verified status.... status.. haha whats the go? i'm a newbie, so it is irrelevant, but i am intruiged.. do tell, what kind of angle does it give you, in retrospect to other non bodies on the site?
By bella! at 15,Sep,12 19:18 other posts of bella! 
Angle? I would prefer to call it credibility, credibility that "you" are who you project yourself to be whether it is male or female.
By #289712 at 18,Sep,12 03:49
Oh ok so it's to show you're a member of good standing, not a fake, ect? Cool..

By #270478 at 16,Sep,12 10:20
I have been on this site for 3 months now and enjoy it very much I don't even no if I am verifed or not. How do you tell LOL.
By bella! at 16,Sep,12 12:12 other posts of bella! 
Do you see the blue question mark on your profile/page? That signifies you are not. A green check mark like JohnS or littlecUnt has reflected on their profile/page signifies that they are verified.

By bella! at 30,Aug,12 17:30 other posts of bella! 
I agree with you littlecUnt. Masturman, unless you have verified friends that are rallying around to get your verification done for you, it seems that you may want to reach out to those members that are able to verify and personally ask them yourself.

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