As might be expected as I’m a long time SYC member, my page has the coveted Verified check mark indicating that at least three members have said they know me and I am who I represent myself to be. Recently, a newbie misconstrued what verification is supposed to be and was somewhat insistent, albeit polite, that was supposed to verify him because as he saw it, if you’re on the verification list, it’s a duty to verify folks whether you know them or not.
Perhaps it needs to be made clearer that just because one is capable of verifying others; it’s a privilege rather than a duty to verify others. For myself, I have no problem verifying someone if I’ve corresponded with them before and/or can see that they are longtime Forum or Blog correspondents. Otherwise, I can’t, or more accurately won’t, verify someone who I don’t know to be who they say they are.
Verification is a privilege of being a long time member, one who has reached out and made contacts often enough that others know they’re honestly representing themselves as who they are and; that at least three other SYC/D members are willing to vet them.
So, if you’re a newbie and want to be verified by me, communicate with me and when I’m comfortable with you and would recommend that others get to know you, I’ll give you at least one verifying signature.

Besides, there are a number of prominent VERIFIED members of the sight who also have a string of non-verified fake accounts which they use to say and do shitty things while protecting the "good name" of their verified account.
In the end, verification means nothing.
Strangely, I had this member friend me one day and the next day he sends me a picture with his name and the date on it. I suspect I know where this "friendship" is going. Then he sends me a message saying "so-and-so" verified him. With that said, I sent him a pm back saying that I had no idea who he is and that I suspected that he befriended me with the purpose of being verified. No, no, he says! Friendships have to begin somewhere, he says. And I got this BIG sob story about his pitiful life over the last 9 years. I did check with the "so-and-so" and I have no doubt that she was comfortable with his authenticity and that they had chatted over the last couple weeks so in a soft moment, I verified him. Although the member thanked me, he had the audacity to say I was uptight. Nah, I'm not uptight but just know this, you may think you're "unneak", you're also a major asshat.
What about posting a join date? that would make it easire for those that are available to verify to know when the time trial is up.
But with this site and the way it is set up that may not be able to do,As I said just a suggestion!
I would propose that a comment in front of the verification question mark on the individuals home page could be setup so that it says, "Member ineligible for verification at this time". The comment would be linked the system clock so that at the end of a prescribed period, 30/60/90 days etc., the message would change to, "Member is eligible for verification". That would tell anyone who can verify members that at a minimum, the member has participated on the site for some period of time
Additionally, the number of days since the member's last visit could be visible as it is in everyone's "Members who recently visited your member page". Instead of how long it has been since they visited an individual's page, it could simply track how long it's been since the individual has had any contact on the site.
OK, those are a couple site additions that would make it obvious to everyone whether an individual is participating on the site. However, these are still only tools to help make active members to determine whether they want to verify a newbie or not. For myself, I still need to have more than one conversation with that person before I would feel comfortable verifying him/her.
Food for thought.