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Verification Misconception…

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Started by #7976 at 05,Dec,12 22:17
As might be expected as I’m a long time SYC member, my page has the coveted Verified check mark indicating that at least three members have said they know me and I am who I represent myself to be. Recently, a newbie misconstrued what verification is supposed to be and was somewhat insistent, albeit polite, that was supposed to verify him because as he saw it, if you’re on the verification list, it’s a duty to verify folks whether you know them or not.

Perhaps it needs to be made clearer that just because one is capable of verifying others; it’s a privilege rather than a duty to verify others. For myself, I have no problem verifying someone if I’ve corresponded with them before and/or can see that they are longtime Forum or Blog correspondents. Otherwise, I can’t, or more accurately won’t, verify someone who I don’t know to be who they say they are.

Verification is a privilege of being a long time member, one who has reached out and made contacts often enough that others know they’re honestly representing themselves as who they are and; that at least three other SYC/D members are willing to vet them.

So, if you’re a newbie and want to be verified by me, communicate with me and when I’m comfortable with you and would recommend that others get to know you, I’ll give you at least one verifying signature.

Similar topics: 1.verification   2.Verification   3.Age authentication in the UK from April 1st   4.How long for identity verification? shows and cam chats  

New Comment

By bella! at 08,Jun,14 10:37 other posts of bella! 
The 'verification misconception' that I seem to find hard to grasp is when a 'friend' has no qualms in asking you to verify them however, they do not reciprocate and verify you. Anyone else experience that phenomenon?

By #303133 at 01,Apr,13 19:23
The verification thing has never really mattered to me. I just come to play in the forum or exchange PMs with the people I have gotten to "know" through comments there. Since I know that we are never going to take a house by the sea together, all that really matters to me is that they are intelligent, fun folk to play with. They could be giant, anthropomorphic bunnies for all I care. I'll take an unverified, witty rabbit over a verified knucklehead any day!
Besides, there are a number of prominent VERIFIED members of the sight who also have a string of non-verified fake accounts which they use to say and do shitty things while protecting the "good name" of their verified account.
In the end, verification means nothing.
By #201583 at 01,Apr,13 19:31
I couldn't of said it any better.

By #201583 at 01,Apr,13 19:38
Damn computers generating fake profiles so they can fornicate with real people. What's next? The damn printers will be spitting out money.

By #201155 at 02,Apr,13 17:30
As usual, JustWill, you have hit the nail squarely on the head. I greatly enjoy the time I spend here on SYD and SYC, but I really don't worry about whether anyone chooses to 'verify' me or not. (And so far, no one has!) I know that I am real, and I believe that the people I talk to regularly know that, too. Let's face it, the very nature of the Internet, never mind this site, makes verifying the authenticity of a mere collection of pictures and messages a virtual impossibility

By #196416 at 02,Apr,13 13:30
Who brought this post back to life? Who? Come on now speak up!
By bella! at 02,Apr,13 14:03 other posts of bella! 
BushPilot blogged about it and in light of the recent actions of a certain butt nugget of a member, I felt compelled to revive forum topic.

By #122997 at 01,Apr,13 10:48
Very true! I'm more than happy to verify someone that I am 100% sure is real! There are so many fakes on here that its nice to see who has actually been confirmed as real ! I like the idea of a time scale before they can be verified!
By bella! at 01,Apr,13 11:52 other posts of bella! 
Well the member that contacted me uploaded his first pic on 17, Mar, 2013. He added me as a friend late in the evening on the 29th. In the wee hours of the 29th, he sends me an unsolicited pic of him naked and says another member has verified him and refers to me as FRIEND ( in capital letters ). When I questioned his motives, he gave me a big sob story. I did feel sorry for him. But to turn it around and call me uptight!? He is entitled to his opinion but my opinion, he's broken several rules of etiquette; he added me as a friend without asking and/or chatting with me, he sent me an unsolicited picture (guess what asshat, I TELL YOU what to send me ) THEN you insult me? You're lucky I didn't drop a deuce on your page.
By #122997 at 01,Apr,13 18:00
It must be great knowing that you are his FRIEND lol, you are a friendly kind of girl
By #201583 at 01,Apr,13 19:18
Bella's the best. What ever you do Bella, please never fling any deuces my way. I would have to get all custodial after I vomit.

By bella! at 02,Apr,13 05:00 other posts of bella! 
Hey dazzla, the asshat deleted me as his FRIEND!

By #201583 at 01,Apr,13 19:12
I don't understand the verification thing. In the forums, are computers generating responses, or real people? I don't like users with copied pictures from the internet. Besides, I'm not on here to look at the pictures and determine which are real or who is a troll. I'm on here to make friends and melt my brain. I think I should have at least a ) ! ( instead of a ? or a check mark, it jut looks better. Should we all get a red letter "A" for AUTHENTIC.

By bella! at 01,Apr,13 05:45 other posts of bella! 
Your topic was not lost BushPilot, there was just WAY TOO MANY rate my dick and can you believe what this member said to me topics on top of it.

Strangely, I had this member friend me one day and the next day he sends me a picture with his name and the date on it. I suspect I know where this "friendship" is going. Then he sends me a message saying "so-and-so" verified him. With that said, I sent him a pm back saying that I had no idea who he is and that I suspected that he befriended me with the purpose of being verified. No, no, he says! Friendships have to begin somewhere, he says. And I got this BIG sob story about his pitiful life over the last 9 years. I did check with the "so-and-so" and I have no doubt that she was comfortable with his authenticity and that they had chatted over the last couple weeks so in a soft moment, I verified him. Although the member thanked me, he had the audacity to say I was uptight. Nah, I'm not uptight but just know this, you may think you're "unneak", you're also a major asshat.

By bella! at 05,Dec,12 22:42 other posts of bella! 
Hear! Hear! So many new folks each day and they only stay a short time. I wouldn't mind if a 30, 60, 90 day waiting period was implemented to ensure that the member is here for long term.
By admin at 05,Dec,12 23:17 other posts of admin 
Not a bad idea. just not sure how to implement it. I can indeed disable verification and put a warning that new members cannot be verified, but considering that most of people only read what pleases them this won't stop new members from asking those who can verify to verify them. Which will only lead to more frustration.
By Ray10754 at 05,Dec,12 23:23 other posts of Ray10754 
Just a thought to go along with what Bell suggested!
What about posting a join date? that would make it easire for those that are available to verify to know when the time trial is up.

By Ray10754 at 06,Dec,12 00:16 other posts of Ray10754 
Another suggestion, as to how to implement it would be to add notification on the origional profile that they have to fill out upon joining,sort of like what you see on other sites, there is a section at the end of the form that requires that you read and agree prior to letting you join. Im not a web master and dont know what it would intail I just know that it is a choice that is available.
But with this site and the way it is set up that may not be able to do,As I said just a suggestion!
By bella! at 06,Dec,12 00:36 other posts of bella! 
Great suggestion Ray10754! My thought behind the 30, 60, 90 was to attract SYD/SYC members to establish themselves and encourage longevity.

By #7976 at 06,Dec,12 21:36
OK, all good responses. Now, on the suggestions that have been made.

I would propose that a comment in front of the verification question mark on the individuals home page could be setup so that it says, "Member ineligible for verification at this time". The comment would be linked the system clock so that at the end of a prescribed period, 30/60/90 days etc., the message would change to, "Member is eligible for verification". That would tell anyone who can verify members that at a minimum, the member has participated on the site for some period of time

Additionally, the number of days since the member's last visit could be visible as it is in everyone's "Members who recently visited your member page". Instead of how long it has been since they visited an individual's page, it could simply track how long it's been since the individual has had any contact on the site.

OK, those are a couple site additions that would make it obvious to everyone whether an individual is participating on the site. However, these are still only tools to help make active members to determine whether they want to verify a newbie or not. For myself, I still need to have more than one conversation with that person before I would feel comfortable verifying him/her.

Food for thought.

By #196416 at 06,Dec,12 02:23
Great Post I agree BushPilot I will not just verify anybody who asks, I have to be as sure as I can that they are who they say they are. Get involved in the site first chat, post in forum make comments, Do Something! Just sending me a pic of your dick will not likely get me to verify you, hey but thanks!
By bella! at 06,Dec,12 02:44 other posts of bella! 
My thoughts exactly!

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