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Default Chat Colour.

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Started by #22008 at 30,Oct,09 11:34
Being very stupid such as I am means that after several months on SYD I still haven't figured out the reason for default chat colour on the profile page.Is there anybody with a degree in Chat Colours who can elucidate? THANK YOU.

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New Comment

By admin at 30,Oct,09 14:12 other posts of admin 
When you enter chat the system randomly assigns some color to your messages (more preciselly - not random, but based on your session data). If you do not like that color you can change it any time using the color selection drop box. But some people were annoyed that they have to change it every time they enter the chat. Hence that option - with it you can set up the color that will be assigned to your messages every time you enter the chat.

Adult Discussion Forum