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whats with all you losers

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Started by #280836 at 02,Aug,12 03:23
Why does everybody make every topics a theological debate. Fucking assholes. You can **** on me all u want

Similar topics: 1.Uncut and cut cocks, whats better ..comments from guys who have had both but cut the skin off   2.whats your girth?   3.whats your favourite word for "it"?   4.small dick losers.   5.Please Blacklist Me Please!  

New Comment

By #289052 at 02,Aug,12 14:35
I meant no disrespect to you Bella
By bella! at 02,Aug,12 15:16 other posts of bella! 
I knew there was no disrespect directed at me, I just did not understand the comment. Unfortunarely, there are racist, chauvinistic and straight up, certifiable cuckoo people sprinkled all over the world.

By #289052 at 02,Aug,12 14:29
Bella...was your huh for my comment
By bella! at 02,Aug,12 14:31 other posts of bella! 
Yes. What do you mean by this is the part of the U.S. to be nice and careful?

By #289052 at 02,Aug,12 14:03
Highly racist and Chauvinistic is putting it mildly.This is a part of the U.S. to be nice and careful
By bella! at 02,Aug,12 14:08 other posts of bella! 
Huh......? This is the part of the U.S. to be nice and careful.......

By #268067 at 02,Aug,12 04:37
I think someone is looking for a little attention
By bella! at 02,Aug,12 04:49 other posts of bella! 
Ya know, I think you're spot on small_dik! Negative attention is better than no attention at all!
By #268067 at 02,Aug,12 11:07
only if you are a psycho
By bella! at 02,Aug,12 13:52 other posts of bella! 
I like the way you think!

By bella! at 02,Aug,12 04:01 other posts of bella! 
Well..... now you're referring to members as "fucking assholes". Geez, in your last thread, you referred to ( I will assume ) women as "lil bitch ass cum dumpsters". *YOUR* opinion is that topics in the forum are turned into theological debates, *MY* opinion, I find your tone and approach rough. SYD/SYC is not only an adult site, it's a social site......
By #89828 at 02,Aug,12 13:33
The irony is that, for an "adult" site...many of the members behave quite "childishly".
And...when did theology come into the picture?
By bella! at 02,Aug,12 13:51 other posts of bella! 
Who knows.......!?

By #218130 at 02,Aug,12 11:14
You reap what you sow.

By #145304 at 02,Aug,12 03:32
Cuz they're all holier than thou buttholes

Adult Discussion Forum