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Uncut and cut cocks, whats better ..comments from guys who have had both but cut the skin off

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Started by #6027 at 20,Jun,09 00:31
i have been circumcised from birth, whats better how much do u feel and is there a big difference after

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New Comment

By #6953 at 20,Jun,09 16:19
I got mine cut shortly after getting married as a health concern for my wife. The best thing about it is that I've never had to use a condom while fucking her since. She's now happy to be fucked bareback everytime so being skinless has it'a perks for me.
By slipper at 31,Mar,10 04:40 other posts of slipper 

By #457608 at 11,Apr,14 02:25
If you look into health benifets of circumcizion you will find there are none,and experts agree with regular hygene there is no difference in how cleen one is from the other,now for most americans were are cut at birth which there finding out causes a lot of trauma to infants and could be un knowingly effecting emotional wellbieng for the rest of there life.

By #41858 at 22,Mar,14 02:10
I always wonder how masturbation would feel different after, and just also everyday dangling around in your shorts... how long does it take to get used to the constant glans exposre?

By slipper at 31,Mar,10 04:43 other posts of slipper 
You might also compare the proportion of uncuts who choose to get circed vs the proportion who do not. I think that will tell the story better than individual testimonials, one way or the other.

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