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BLOWING a guy doesn't make you gay, but KISSING one does!

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Started by #89828 at 07,Aug,12 15:53
Because that is how they pass on the gay germs. (You can recognize the gay germs under a microscope because they have limp flagella, dress better and say "Faaaabulous!" in an effeminate voice.) It is like Mono. Or cooties...

Similar topics: 1.Getting to know one's self.   2.Same Sex Kissing   3.kissing men kissing men   5.Cum kissing  

New Comment

By #201583 at 07,Aug,12 16:32
So you can bang another guy in the ass and still be straight. I wouldn't want get sick. Just the thought of getting a manicure and pedicure is repulsive. The thought of color coordination scares me. Waxing, and great personal hygiene, who would want that? Having an open mind leads to brain tumors. I guess I will take my chances since kissing rocks.

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