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Cum kissing

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Started by stroker11 at 23,Dec,18 11:57  other posts of stroker11
How and why is cum kissing so difficult for men to enjoy? If a partner takes your cum a kiss and maybe sharing seems a form of thank you.

Similar topics: 1.Same Sex Kissing   2.kissing a striper   3.kissing men kissing men   5.No kissing dudes for me!!  

New Comment

By stroker11 at 17,Oct,21 10:29 other posts of stroker11 
A wet kiss with your freshly sucked up precum is partners sharing at its best! Recycle the love.....

By #573046 at 24,Dec,18 15:20
I enjoy swallowing my loads.I like the taste of my cum.So when I finish in partners mouth I always enjoy kissing him or her and get a taste of my seed.

By 2pierced at 24,Dec,18 09:00 other posts of 2pierced 
I enjoy the taste of my own cum and it would be so nice to share cum with someone else!

By spermkiss at 23,Dec,18 16:35 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey, there's a reason I call myself spermkiss. After I've sucked a guy to climax, after I've had a chance to savor the flavor of his sperm, with it still in my mouth I like to give him a big wet French kiss and pass some of it back to him. I also like it when a guy kisses me with sperm in his mouth, either my own or another man's. Kissing is fun, kissing lubricated with sperm is better.

By #555787 at 23,Dec,18 16:13
I totally agree, my and i make out after oral sex, we both love it

By #571130 at 23,Dec,18 14:35
Cum is so delicious, I luv kissing with cum and I eat a lot of mine,I luv eating fresh fucked cum filled pussy as do the ladies

By wycowboy at 23,Dec,18 13:43 other posts of wycowboy 
It doesn't bother me. I sometimes eat my own cum so why would a cum kiss bother me.

By stroker11 at 23,Dec,18 12:00 other posts of stroker11 
I do enjoy my own and the kiss and sharing are very satisfying. Thanks for the kiss...I recycle.

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