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Looking for dares!

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Started by #277924 at 07,Aug,12 18:19
Any ideas/ dares for me to do?I'm looking for ideas to get more pics.
My only limit isthat its not super public. Besides that, i'm open to "suggestions" of all types! Give me your best shot.

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New Comment

By #261269 at 09,Aug,12 20:45
Take a pic of yourself masturbating sitting in front of your computer, just move your keyboard back in time!

By #279144 at 08,Aug,12 18:32
As its nor super public, start with shaving off your pubes !
By spermkiss at 08,Aug,12 19:36 other posts of spermkiss 
Another good idea. Every man should do this at least once in his life.

By #277924 at 09,Aug,12 13:33
Yes sir! I Actually have'nt gone shaved all the way before. And i do have quite a lot of pubes, so this may be a shocker for me.
By spermkiss at 09,Aug,12 19:48 other posts of spermkiss 
'Just went to your page and no, you're not all that hairy. What you've got will shave right off. Good looking dick, by the way.

By #277924 at 09,Aug,12 13:36
Thanks for the dares everybody, i'm off work today so i'm going to try and get them done. Sorry to spermkiss tho, i don't exactly have a boyfriend, so i cant exactly do that one without... breaking some kind of law...maybe.
By spermkiss at 09,Aug,12 19:45 other posts of spermkiss 
Do you have to have a boyfriend to suck cock? All you need is a guy who wants his cock sucked and that ain't hard to find. Virtually all men like having their cocks sucked and probably ninety per cent don't care if it's a guy or girl doing the sucking. Indeed a lot of straight guys prefer getting sucked of by another guy 'cause we're better at it. And it ain't against the law.

'Look forward to seeing your hairless pix. Once you've tried it you might not want to go back. It feels great to be hairless. Sex when your hairless is out of this world. Sensitive areas are even more so.

By #183178 at 08,Aug,12 17:24
any outdoor cum shot, or public restroom urinal cum shot (not a stall)
By spermkiss at 08,Aug,12 19:35 other posts of spermkiss 
Good idea. Outdoor/public ejacualtion is hot.

By spermkiss at 07,Aug,12 18:34 other posts of spermkiss 
Post a picture of yourself with a cock in your mouth. Just show your lips if your want to remain anonymous. I love cocksuckers.

By #166058 at 07,Aug,12 18:28
if you can print off one of my pics go out into your garden and take a pic of u naked and hard with my pic...

Adult Discussion Forum