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Started by #291481 at 13,Aug,12 10:18
Sometimes when I stroke my hard throbbing cock instead of just the usual up and down hand motion I work my hand around my shaft in a figure 8 pattern. Anybody else use patterns while stroking their cock?

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New Comment

By Lvphose at 03,Sep,22 04:06 other posts of Lvphose 
If I last long enough in my masturbations yes, all sorts of motions//showitoff.org/stroking! But sometimes I’m quickly ready to cum like here!

By #675701 at 25,Aug,22 02:17
no one really cares
By Dev01 at 25,Aug,22 02:26 other posts of Dev01 
He don't fn care... It was 10 years ago posted.

By #662360 at 22,Aug,22 20:44
I usually just stroke or tug my shaft up and down. But long ago I found I could wank by holding my stiff cock in my hand and rubbing my cock head against the bedclothes till I came. I used that technique because my bed rocked when I stroked or tugged and I was worried my parents would know I was wanking.

By #147052 at 13,Aug,12 19:19
Any kind of motion is better than just sitting there and doing nothing.

By #292427 at 13,Aug,12 18:17
Sure, have done that. And a lot of other motions too.

"just the shaft," or just the head, just the frenulum, just the thumb and forefinger, the whole hand, just 3 fingers, with a rubber on, Jerking Off with "things" in and down my pisshole, Jerked Off with a "softy."

Done it wet, dry, lotions, Abolene, latex gloves, etc.

Do I classify as a JERK OFF?

Public Service Announcement: Never use soap, it really dries out the head.
By #64328 at 13,Aug,12 18:27
The variations I have used since I first started seem endless. That might be a topic all by itself worth posting

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