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Uncut Dicks Sex experiences

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Started by #245313 at 15,Aug,12 05:41
How has sex gone for guys who are uncut? Do girls say no and get grossed out?

Similar topics: 1.uncut in favor   2.i wanna see uncut dicks come on guyz drop them pants!   3.First time sucking: Cut or Uncut u prefer cut or uncut?   5.Uncut Dicks  

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By bigone21 at 01,May,13 17:27 other posts of bigone21 
@ xDJCJx. I don't understand... You are uncut yourself, have a really nice cock, so what's the problem?

Are you grossed out by your own cock?

It seems like you are a victim of the American myth that an uncut cock is smelly and dirty and funny looking. 3/4 of the men on this earth are uncut!

Nothing wrong with your cock! Enjoy it!

By #367719 at 01,May,13 11:04
Uncut penis is not neat and clean and also full of urine smell, some risk of infections. Though I am hindu girl & I am suremy would be husband penis must be uncut, but I have to bear its loadand try to adjust becuse he were my life partner. But I have decided not to take their penis in my mouth forsucking purposes. I will give him pleasure through hand job, i will massage his penis and play with its ballsand do the hand everymens love and like to play with their penis by our soft hand. But before mairrage, I am frequently enjoying viginal sex with cut penis, because it looks good shape and seize, it is neat, clean and smell free no risk of infections. Every girls orwomens wants hard penis and not soft when she is on sex bed, after that she does notwants anything with their fucker men, she wants full sexual satisfication on bed. Cut penis is too strong,durableand hard.therefore I love and like cut penis. You know condom are very easily fitted on cut penis instead of uncut penis,if you have any doubt you may wear a condom on cut penisand alsoon uncut penis and saw the shape and immage of it, surely u say cut penis looks nice when wear condom.Luckly my pussy attended by cut penises till date and hope before mairrage I may enjoywith cut penis, I know after mairrage cut penis may be a dream for me on bed.
By #6568 at 01,May,13 16:17
Firstly, you need to educate your "uncut" men to clean themselves and use basic hygene!! There is NO NEED AT ALL for a foreskin to have ANY smell. I assume you want to receive and enjoy oral sex from your husband,, are you going to wash for him and keep your labia clean and sweet? ...or are you going to get you labia cut off??!!

Also, you have some very weird ideas about the penis, need to read a good sex manual and open your mind to all the possibilities of a full sexual union with a LOVER,....not just see marriage as some kind of duty!

By bigone21 at 01,May,13 17:00 other posts of bigone21 
@ UrvashiSaxena, you're putting this up for laughs, right??

yes folks, beware! there is H7N9 under the foreskin! plus: the uncut penis is not strong and hard and doesn't look nice wearing a condom...

so, if you have an uncut penis, your destiny is to be wedding-material to a half-retarded hindu-girl that will perform her marital duties only by hand...

--------------------------------------- added after 115 seconds

The hand of fate is on me now
It picked me up and knocked me down

By #6568 at 15,Aug,12 06:25
In the larger part of the world it's normal to have a foreskin so women mostly think it's weird for a man to NOT have one. This problem of women being "gossed out" by normality is only something that happens in the uncivilised countries where it's a routine to mutilate male babies as a matter of such places it helps the mutilators greatly to imply that women find forskins repugnant.......

.........Quite a lot of European women actually enjoy playing with their mans foreskin!
By #121361 at 18,Aug,12 07:21
Thats right !!!

By *kmadeau* at 18,Aug,12 18:28 other posts of *kmadeau* 
absolutely RIGHT!

By #25830 at 18,Aug,12 17:49
Nvr been a problem for me. I like the way it keepsmy glans all soft moist protected till its time to pull it out.. I live in the states but wasn't born here. Girls seem to like.. haves a look

By #285354 at 16,Aug,12 20:21
I'm uncut and live in an area of the US where circumcision is the norm. I've had nothing but favorable reactions to my foreskin. I take great pride in keeping it clean and odor free. The foreskin is a great feature of the male sex organ, adding pleasure for me and my partners.
By #283489 at 17,Aug,12 14:19
You would be surprised at how many natural uncut american men there are over in the USof A.
By #161491 at 18,Aug,12 05:05
I count myself very, very lucky to have married one of those natural uncut American men!
By 3fdfd at 18,Aug,12 13:59 other posts of 3fdfd 
we are all lucky that you & he got married

By #121361 at 18,Aug,12 07:23
Thats ok

By #291618 at 18,Aug,12 03:44
well it never have been a issue its both are normal im uncut and being cut its sommeting u generaly cant decide

By qhaos at 16,Aug,12 17:52 other posts of qhaos 
the only thing i can say is that i spent a night with a girl who have never saw an uncut cock, was so amazing, she spent a lot of time to look at it and she has a lot of fun to suck and wank my cock! she said it's a lot different with cut cocks, for her...

By jocstfr at 16,Aug,12 14:26 other posts of jocstfr 
I was in an eastern block country and a girl I met there was totally shocked when she saw my cut cock. She said she knew about guys getting circumcised and saw pictures but never saw or felt a real one that had been cut. She was obsessed with how the procedure was done and how there was nothing left of the forskin except for a scar. I told her that where i come from most guys are cut and she thought that was wierd.

By slipper at 15,Aug,12 23:53 other posts of slipper 
You are from the US where many women have never even seen an uncut... my experience is they either love it because it's exotic or **** it, well, for the same reason.
By slipper at 15,Aug,12 23:54 other posts of slipper 
h a t e (damned censor)

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