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fetishes question

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Started by #173969 at 23,Aug,12 10:01
Why do some ppl find feet arousing? What is sexy about feet?
and why do some straight men wear women's underwear? What's the turn on? Just curious.
Also why do some people like others to humiliate their small dick what is the turn on there?

I like spanking but never knew why. I do just wondering why it turns me on. I also like foreskin as long as its clean it turns me on! I just started letting my husband lick my ass when I'm on all fours and now I can't stop thinking of it. I also find the thought of sex in public or in front of others. My main fantasy is to have me and another girl have sex with my husband. Another one is to have someone watch us have sex. I also have a fantasy of getting my clit pierced and have a female eat me out in front of my husband. I'm wondering Why these things turn me on. Do you have any wild guess why? I'm wondering where these fetishes come from.

Similar topics: 1.Poop fetishes   2.Dirtiest fetishes   3.Any odd fetishes?   4.What is the kinkiest dirtiest thing you have ever done   5.Kinky! Fetishes outside the norm! Wondering who else on this site is into kink  

New Comment

By #570598 at 01,Jan,20 04:11
Why is it we mainly find penis's tits and pussy and arse arousing..why not the feet. Armpits bum cheeks ears or eyes.or hair.all these other things are clean ..we are all thinking dirty.fluids juices and more as a sexy thing.dont get me wrong. I love it all To.i'd drink pee from the right pussy and sniff female arseholes and lick it all.

By #261704 at 10,Jul,13 05:53
I think guys with small dicks sometimes like to be humiliated about it because they are just looking for it to be acknowledged in any way. Kinda like how sometimes a dog will steal something just so you will chase after them to get it, any attention is good attention even what from the outside might look like a punishment.
By Asphaltcowboy at 08,Mar,15 03:52 other posts of Asphaltcowboy 
may be a part of that is right, but we know we have a little dick and being embarrass about it is a real feeling. We know the girl is not lying about are little dick so your just stuck embarrassed in front of her.

By Bendy at 12,Mar,13 18:05 other posts of Bendy 
Not sure, but I love having my cock humiliated because it is so flexible when it's hard... I love when a woman bends and folds it in half like it's made of rubber, and laughs and tells me how flimsy it is, lol...

By #275560 at 25,Aug,12 03:12
wowser^^^ the stars above were "s l e e p"

how is that filtered???

By #275560 at 25,Aug,12 03:11
if you could get to the bottom of why men like to wear womens panties, nylons, g strings or whatever...let me know please. coz i do and i have no idea why!! seriously...why do i like it?

i have no idea! you can call it a fetish, you can call it what you want, it still doesnt answer the question.

ok...i need ****!
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