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Started by bella! at 25,Aug,12 15:51  other posts of bella!
Do members find it arousing to view pictures of others urinating? Really, I'm curious....

New Comment

By slipper at 26,Aug,12 18:33 other posts of slipper 

By qhaos at 26,Aug,12 08:59 other posts of qhaos 
looking at the pictures of other people who urinate, does not excite me, but it makes me want to try it live! especially if it flows from a beautiful pussy!

By #282916 at 26,Aug,12 01:04
Im gone pee on u piss piss piss drip drip drip piss on u chapel show love it.but i doint like the pee fetish thang but its diffrent strokes for diffrent folks. And i need to fix my grammer if u can not understand
By bella! at 26,Aug,12 01:26 other posts of bella! 
Mi daddee, he urned hiz Masterzz digree at Wayne State University an I noes you dont beeza produck of DPS cuz mi daddee he beeza gud teechr an he dont teech inglish dat way.....
By bella! at 26,Aug,12 01:27 other posts of bella! 
And for all that might wonder what DPS is, it is merely Detroit Public Schools

By #146804 at 26,Aug,12 01:34
Even trying to make fun of him I'm afraid what you said is still far more understandable then his nonsense.
By bella! at 26,Aug,12 01:40 other posts of bella! 
Really, you understood? Not sure if most large cities are similar to Detroit, but the urban language is something else! Sadly, the language and culture even filters over at a business level.

By spermkiss at 25,Aug,12 18:52 other posts of spermkiss 
Not at all into water sports, but, yes, seeing urine flow out of a man's penis is a major turn on for me. I've spent some time contemplating this and have come up with two theories.

When I was a **** I often went to the bathroom with other boys and we stood side by side and urinated into the toilet together. (Don't all boys do this?) I think watching a man urinate takes me back to those fond memories of childhood.

The other is the comraderie between men when they urinate together. Standing shoulder to shoulder with other men and whipping it out and letting the urine flow really brings men closer together. (The old trough style urinals about eight feet long were the best. Even better is out-of-doors.) It's an opportunity for men to expose themselves to each other and to check out other men.
By spermkiss at 25,Aug,12 18:53 other posts of spermkiss 
Oops, the censor got me again. The word that got cut is c-h-i-l-d.

By Ray10754 at 25,Aug,12 18:27 other posts of Ray10754 
In my eyes it is neither Arousing,interesting or sexually appealing!
I would think that it is a fettish for some and thats fine by me,just not my thing and I am not inclined to pass judjment on those that are.
I dont feel that it should be a main stream photo,It is your fettish and should only be shared with those that are into that type of thing!
But thats just my two cents on the matter

By bella! at 25,Aug,12 17:45 other posts of bella! 
Ha! There's a picture posted In the banner, right now, of a member urinating. Obviously, he feels that that pic is his money shot.

By steve8211 at 25,Aug,12 17:13 other posts of steve8211 
I haven't really understood that cause it is your body waste. I am not very fond of it. It kind of nasty thinking about being peed on.

By #271934 at 25,Aug,12 16:54
I've participated in wet play with both men and women. For me to participate and enjoy, like NYcouple mentioned, the conditions must be right. Depending upon my mood, the photos in context with other photos in the album, and how the photos relate to experiences I've had or want to have, I find some photos arousing.
By bella! at 25,Aug,12 16:57 other posts of bella! 
Thank you!

By bella! at 25,Aug,12 16:56 other posts of bella! 
I will accept that urinating on *OR* being urinated on is a fetish however my initial question is merely, do members find these types of posted pictures arousing or I will settle for interesting?

By #282754 at 25,Aug,12 16:01
Not this fella, although it doesn't bother me. It's a pretty common fetish isn't it? If I were to ever engage in some wet play like that, the conditions must be perfect! Meaning I don't want urine anywhere where it doesn't belong!

By bella! at 25,Aug,12 16:07 other posts of bella! 
Thanks for your response Lexi. Is it really a common fetish?

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