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HAIRY LEGS(on lads)

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Started by #180227 at 31,Aug,12 13:38
I am a lover of lads with hairy legs, yes i am they are such a turn on for me. Jus wonderin if anyone else is partial to nice hairy legs,....? If you are would love to hear your views and if you hav a pair yourself i would love to see them...! Thanks guys...!x

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By spermkiss at 01,Sep,12 17:20 other posts of spermkiss 
Thick, black hair on a guy's legs is a major turn on for me, too. Also, thick, black underarm hair. What's really hot is if a guy has very hairy legs and underarms, but is smooth on his chest and belly. If he has shaved off his pubic patch, that's a major plus.

However if hair below the neck is light colored and/or thin and whispy, he should shave it off and go hairless.

Adult Discussion Forum