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keep your hair natural!

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Started by #153287 at 09,Dec,11 03:58
this is for men and women who think all pubic hair should be kept natural. so use this to try and convince everyone to keep their pubic hair, the more hair the better.

show your pics of that great pubic hair of yours, whether it be hairy penis, hairy balls, hairy vagina, hairy ass, hairy legs, hairy chest, hairy arm pits.

lets see who has the most hair to show!

Similar topics: 1.Pubic Hair   2.WHAT TOO DO WITH MY PUBIC HAIR   3.Natural Pubic Hair Bush   4.Shaved or natural   5.Do you prefer shaved, trimmed or all natural for pubic hair?  

New Comment

By #691289 at 28,Apr,23 08:21
I prefer shaving, but that's how it looks like otherwise

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By Gntlmn at 22,Feb,12 19:19 other posts of Gntlmn 
how about these balls?...
By Gntlmn at 22,Feb,12 19:21 other posts of Gntlmn 
....& bush
By 3fdfd at 03,Feb,13 14:26 other posts of 3fdfd 
great ! you look like a man ought to look

By #457775 at 19,Nov,14 19:53
wow what a bush!

By JackHammer at 04,Jan,17 13:30 other posts of JackHammer 
I would love my facial hair to meet that bush. Hair is king.

By LGA6969 at 27,Apr,23 20:20 other posts of LGA6969 
incredible bush

By Louis at 27,Apr,23 10:30 other posts of Louis 

By PITBULL at 26,Apr,23 18:06 other posts of PITBULL 
I like a man hairy from the waist down
By #275407 at 26,Apr,23 21:34
I dont

By #662360 at 26,Apr,23 11:39
Plenty of hair down there [deleted image]

By Steve116969 at 26,Apr,23 04:44 other posts of Steve116969 

By spermkiss at 25,Feb,17 19:10 other posts of spermkiss 
To all those advocates of keeping pubic (and body) hair totally natural, I ask: Do you ever visit a barber (or a hair stylist) for a haircut? Do you shave your face? If you wear a mustache and/or a beard do you ever trim it? I suspect that the answer is "yes" to all of these questions for the vast majority of men.

So now I ask: Why should grooming stop at the neck? 'Just asking.

By #307035 at 04,Mar,13 17:46
Am I hairy enough?

[deleted image]
By bigone21 at 17,Apr,13 16:38 other posts of bigone21 
sure! when your pubic-hair is longer than your dick, you absolutely qualify for being "hairy enough"!!

By #457775 at 19,Nov,14 19:47
beautiful! I love your hair!

By JackHammer at 04,Jan,17 13:31 other posts of JackHammer 
Yes, would love to feel that hair on my lips.

By 3fdfd at 25,Feb,17 14:43 other posts of 3fdfd 
yes !!!

By Yando at 06,Jan,17 18:59 other posts of Yando 
By 3fdfd at 25,Feb,17 14:43 other posts of 3fdfd 
Hairy chest; hairy cock .... looks great

By Yando at 06,Jan,17 18:57 other posts of Yando 

By #526576 at 06,Jan,17 18:45
I use a trimmer on my armpits. Deodorant just gets clumpy. I don't shave or trim my pubes tho. Wife doesn't shave her pussy basically ever and doesn't shave her armpits from about November through April. Trying to get her to stop shaving period

By #485312 at 23,Oct,16 02:11
[deleted image][deleted image]
Aussiemans bush in the bush *lix*
By 3fdfd at 04,Jan,17 12:50 other posts of 3fdfd 
nice bush

By #460523 at 24,Oct,16 01:07
hairy is better
By 3fdfd at 04,Jan,17 12:49 other posts of 3fdfd 
It sure is - you are a great example of why a guy ought to be hairy.

By #508886 at 17,Jun,16 23:14
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 18,Jun,16 17:24 other posts of 3fdfd 
yes - you look good

By #372661 at 21,Jun,16 00:38
nice bush

By #485312 at 09,Aug,15 02:46
[deleted image]
l love a big hairy biker *lix*
By 3fdfd at 18,Jun,16 17:27 other posts of 3fdfd 
It sure is hairy & looks rather big

By xxx25 at 09,Aug,15 21:18 other posts of xxx25 
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 18,Jun,16 17:26 other posts of 3fdfd 
Your dick is great - but the hairy one on the right is really super !

By cut5x5 at 12,Jun,16 12:50 other posts of cut5x5 
My naturally hairy cock.

By 3fdfd at 18,Jun,16 17:24 other posts of 3fdfd 
hope you keep it that way

By #474912 at 17,Jun,16 16:09
[deleted image]
By #450957 at 17,Jun,16 20:21
PrettyPussy, your hot little thing is without rival!

By xxx25 at 09,Aug,15 21:18 other posts of xxx25 
By 3fdfd at 21,Jan,16 14:29 other posts of 3fdfd 
very nice - uncut & hairy

By #480781 at 21,Jan,16 05:05
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 21,Jan,16 14:29 other posts of 3fdfd 
beautiful hairy cock

By leopoldij at 14,May,15 12:17 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm constantly trying to get her to shave it. I prefer licking shaved pussy.
[deleted image]
By #495021 at 15,Aug,15 17:46
Perfect pussy! Love hairy!
By leopoldij at 15,Aug,15 20:35 other posts of leopoldij 
you think so? glad to hear that.
By #485312 at 16,Aug,15 01:00
great, so l don't have to wax this month leo *lix*
By leopoldij at 16,Aug,15 12:50 other posts of leopoldij 
did *I* say i like hairy? no. it's the other guy who said he did. i'd rather have it shaved but i can't have my way.
--------------------------------------- added after 31 seconds

besides, why do you care what *I* think? you won't fuck me anyway.

By botanic at 21,Jan,16 08:53 other posts of botanic 
no , that is a beautiful cunt as it is !

By #40333 at 30,Aug,15 10:59
Hairy is just nasty, sorry.

By bigone21 at 29,Aug,15 22:54 other posts of bigone21 
NO WAY i want to have a beard in my underpants! YUCK!!

By #472683 at 16,May,15 05:39
[deleted image]

I prefer to be shaved, but I put this up for fan's of my hairy pussy. Photo is from a few years or so ago.
By Gntlmn at 16,May,15 05:58 other posts of Gntlmn 
How I've loved it!

By jayman73 at 29,Aug,15 21:08 other posts of jayman73 
Very nice.

By #359325 at 09,Aug,15 21:26
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 15,Aug,15 16:44 other posts of 3fdfd 
yes !

By jayman73 at 09,Aug,15 23:39 other posts of jayman73 
By 3fdfd at 15,Aug,15 16:43 other posts of 3fdfd 
the way a guy ought to look

By #450766 at 10,Aug,15 00:21
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 10,Aug,15 07:10
wow, l cant see the forest for the big tree in front of it billy *lix*

By #416899 at 19,May,15 13:57
All natural!!!

By #60441 at 19,May,15 03:45
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 19,May,15 10:30 other posts of 3fdfd 
Your cock looks good hairy

By #285354 at 14,May,15 23:32
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 18,May,15 12:29 other posts of 3fdfd 
lookin' good

By #390287 at 22,Oct,13 07:38
By 3fdfd at 14,May,15 12:48 other posts of 3fdfd 
yes - nice & hairy

By #397290 at 07,Oct,13 19:54
This is mine
To be honest I would have liked to be not so hairy but nature decided otherwise...

[deleted image]
By #476113 at 25,Oct,14 07:37
I have very little hair and I have always wished I was hairy. I have a friend who even shaves his back. I think it's human nature to want what we cant have. You can shave if you wanted to but there is NOthing that will make my dicxk bigger. I have told a friend who has been lucky enough to have a very hairy 11+ inch dick. I tell him if he dies before me I want his dick transplanted on me. YOU have a very sexy hairy body. Be proud. I assure u there are many women and men who are cumming while looking at your hairy cock.
By #457775 at 19,Nov,14 19:45
me too

By #457775 at 19,Nov,14 19:46
your hairy cock and body are gorgeous

By 3fdfd at 14,May,15 12:41 other posts of 3fdfd 
very nice

By seb17 at 19,Nov,14 19:58 other posts of seb17 
my bush :
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 14,May,15 12:36 other posts of 3fdfd 
you look good

By #458757 at 21,Nov,14 07:19
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 14,May,15 12:35 other posts of 3fdfd 
great !

By #416899 at 21,Nov,14 13:38
[deleted image] i don't shave
By 3fdfd at 14,May,15 12:35 other posts of 3fdfd 
looks very nice

By Fritz at 14,May,15 10:28 other posts of Fritz 
Oh No - Please shave

By foreskinlover52 at 14,May,15 09:26 other posts of foreskinlover52 
Just want to say I find running my fingers thru a mans hairy chest and abs very erotic and playing with a nice bushy cock and balls
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

By #161462 at 18,Aug,13 23:36
[deleted image]
full bush here
By 3fdfd at 22,Sep,13 15:26 other posts of 3fdfd 
your cock is really beautiful & it looks especially great with your full bush

By #457775 at 19,Nov,14 19:52
beautiful cock and gorgeous bush

By xxx25 at 25,Oct,14 21:25 other posts of xxx25 
Photo of a weasel from xxx25
By foreskinlover52 at 19,Nov,14 13:46 other posts of foreskinlover52 
Very sexy!

By #457775 at 19,Nov,14 19:44

By #458576 at 19,Nov,14 17:01
heres me hairy
[deleted image]

By foreskinlover52 at 19,Nov,14 13:45 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I find hairy men and women very sexy! It is a real turn on when I see guys with hairy legs, abs, balls and cocks and chests!

By #11431 at 03,Oct,13 08:27
I have always been 'natural' despite much pressure over the years by men to shave. I just find it a bit creepy to be with a man who wants me to look pre pubescent.
By #397290 at 07,Oct,13 20:00
I like natural girls
I LOVE the hair down there (prefere not shaven)
Be yourself girl, you look GREAT

By #428160 at 18,Oct,13 20:47
You've got a sweet natural pussy!
By #11431 at 15,Nov,13 10:04
thank you all !

By Gntlmn at 25,Oct,14 17:30 other posts of Gntlmn 
Bravo! Never lose that gorgeous bush!

By imnewdru at 06,Dec,13 05:49 other posts of imnewdru 

By imnewdru at 06,Dec,13 05:40 other posts of imnewdru 
I have not shaved mine in a while

By #136427 at 05,Dec,13 21:41
Love a big bush

By #219002 at 16,Nov,13 00:07
how do i embed a pic?

By #219002 at 16,Nov,13 00:06

By #350718 at 20,Aug,13 22:34
[deleted image]

never been trimmed
By #428160 at 21,Oct,13 00:22
Awesome pubic display!
By #350718 at 24,Oct,13 01:28
Thank you very much!

By #421761 at 18,Oct,13 21:16
Natural and hairy are better!!!

By #40556 at 10,Oct,13 16:30
/image/l83l8al8py48_93635240.jpg you decide is it nice or not

By slipper at 10,Oct,13 06:03 other posts of slipper 
Simple, to each his or her own!

Adult Discussion Forum