Started by Dover69 at 15,Sep,12 14:12  other posts of Dover69
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The average woman knows: long, short, average, thin, thick; & most prefer slightly over average in girth and length (from what i've read) - if you're over one of the averages: be happy, be confident, use it well and get out of your own head
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I would like to know what women think of my cock
See, a small one hits right at the G-Spot. And I can always deep, er, shallowthroat it!lol
An average one is mighty fine, too. And a large one hits upper points that feel good, too, and if the guy knows not to slam the cervix and just puts in enough to get the job done for each, that's mighty fine, too!
And the vagina can accommodate any size. It expands and lengthens when aroused. And if a woman does Kegel exercises, she can remain tight and control grip, etc.
Now as far as balls go, I just prefer shaved as I like to suck them and don't want to choke on hair. But other than that, we're good to go!
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