You know what I mean ... days that your just so horny you can't help but drop your pants to take care of business with yourself ? Or with that special someone in your life ? Well here's a place you can tell every one about your "Fun and Special day"

Just thought I would come up with something that would add a little spice to the "Discussion Forum"

or did you ever have on of "Those" days where you are so in the mood , but you're at work , someplace where you just can't get away , and you just want to go somewhere nearby in an out of the way place to have fun and enjoy yourself ?
When I was younger, late teens-early twenties, 'these days' could come more randomly and I didn't know my body that well yet. Back then I occasionally needed release at random times in more uncomfortable situations and did so on my way home outside after a night going out, underneath showers and on toilets -rarely-. Now 'these days' usually only happen when I want to, if not in a relationship.
When someone typically has one of "Those" days, it usually means something unpleasant, undesired or undeserved.
Just my thoughts...
I have a few stories.
I shall post later when I have more time.