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Friends - Bestfriends - Couple?

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Started by #35486 at 08,Nov,09 01:59
i was just wondering.
iv'e been having a crush on my best friend for two years now. and i'm going to ask her to the christmas prom
but at this time we have been bestfriends all the time
probably it's just that we've both been to shy all the time?
i tihnk since we've been best friends for such a long time. mabye her feelings for me have passed? or what do you think?

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New Comment

By #6568 at 08,Nov,09 13:37
How do you know for sure about anything,..especially to do with women! Perhaps she is assuming the same things about you too!

Two years is a long time to have a "crush on my best friend". Are you sure you are not in love with her?

Take her to the prom and give her a really nice time with no hassles,..make a big fuss of her as a woman and maker feel that although she is very much your best friend she is also definately female and that you have noticed her feminity.

At the end of the prom take her home or whatever and ask her if she would like a cuddle and see how she responds. If she looks at you like you have gone mad just tell her you felt like a cuddle and her being your best friend thought she might want to......if she readily agrees to a cuddle, just stroke her gently and caringly,..DON'T just go for her tits however much you want too!!! Be subtle and nice,..women like that. Just let her know that you really enjoy touching and cuddling her, and see what happens next.

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