| As many of you know, we had been on this site for 3 years, leaving a few months ago due to being burned out. Actually tired of the snarky remarks, sophomoric games, etc. Our old page was 'luvmyclit', and we had some very nice friendships, and we have been welcomed back warmly. Until this evening, we get a couple of PMs from a woman (who shall remain un-named at this time) insinuating that we are fake, we are not a couple (as before I "the she portion" am the more active on our page). We know that our old friends can verify us easily, and probably will without us even asking. The point being, some things just never change. |
Who cares if you have been blacklisted,you clearly don't like Bella and her ways,so why do you need to post into multiple threads to be heard?
I dunno leo,I don't get people that are so bothered by someone, then have to get their attention by flaming shit no one cares about....
And if people wanted to really be site police they would ask you to show you have permission to post all those hookers on your page...
Now go report to your momma who told you to repeat her mantra to me.
You're not even original.
And it's like you really forget what I have said to Bella here or some shit....
And I'm not jealous leo,....you are deluded....
Why would I be jealous of someone who has no social skills And as to pay for sex, cuz he cannot converse with women unless it's about sex...
Spare me leo....
You gripe is with Bella,you want to go across multiple threads talk about her, that's trolling.
I'm not a friend of Bella,but this shit is ridiculous leo...
You post across multiple threads about bella
And I'm ridiculous...
Did I say I am ridiculous ?so who are you agreeing with?
And have I got pics on my page of hookers ?
I don't think so....
What happened to only talking about sex leo ? Come on, explain it ?
You are only here to talk about sex aren't you? That's what you keep going on about,yet you are obsessed by Bella and how she doesn't talk about sex all the time...
So yeah,leo....carry on....
It's all fun and games to me...
I have to ask,do the women on your page know they are here?
I doubt it...
Do you get a reward points for banging the same hooker ?do you get discount? Explain the women on your page to us leo...
Talk about the hookers and the sex you have with them....
Explain why you pay for sex?the whole site wants to know,seeing as you are so proud of them....
Questions, questions, questions..
What's the best place to find the hooker?
Are you suffering from knobrot for all that chafing?
Explain the world of hookers to us dummies leo...
You're so funny.....
I told you,you are funny....
Come on leo ?
I want to talk about sex and now you don't want to...
I seriously want to know,why you pay for hookers ?
I'm not against prostitutes..... I'm trying to get an understanding of a sex obsessed individual...(you)
Additional Info: i drink i smoke and i hump so i dont think im here for a long time (HOPEFULLY) . i hail from Lebanon Pennsylvania home of the world famous Lebanon bologna aSSHOLE is my sexual orientation cars are my passion and SMELLY ass is my title
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As if anyone wanted to see an undeveloped dick
Could that be true?
Please tell me if it's true!
It really is kind of sad and pathetic, actually.
Sure, Twits is in her mid 70's and has issues with dementia and alcoholism, but watching her dance like a geriatric monkey in the Forum just to get a pat on her addled, little head from the Sea Cow and its crew is depressing.
Would someone PLEASE pay a little attention to her?
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours
The one eyed BITCH WITCH to asslicking JUSTWILL
She's copied your post and it has been reposted in 6 additional threads.
I just cannot understand why admin doesn't stop her crap. She is a straight up whack-a-doodle!
Maybe, if you two would stop your crap, i might consider stopping mine
[deleted image] [deleted image]
And I'm sure some will look at them and masturbate and feel good.
I'm posting your pic here in order to expose you.
Merry Xmas.
[deleted image]
RANDOM STUFF..... /forum/thread.php?id=26324
RANDOM BULLSHIT /forum/thread.php?id=22117
And there is a tendency for people to clone the Site Police's threads in order to make fun of the existence of an Ethics and Morality Police Force on this sex site. For example:
RAND0M BULLSHIT /forum/thread.php?id=22117
N.B. I use the term Site Police because I was told so by the Site Police itself:
[deleted image]
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He Who Must Not Be Named: A Tale of SYD Horror showitoff.org/forum/thread.php?id=18405#114
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[deleted image]
She should also control her foul mouth. She's been using very abusive language for long time towards me when I have never called her anything.
I regret it if she has problems with others, but that has nothing to do with me.
mean while back at the ranch, the mailman just keeps piling letters in my box, and l must attend to the nice people of the site, these on the most part are the real people that don't talk shit, that don't have to spread brown matter on the wall, that are the reason that l come here.. that love sex, love taking pics of sex, that love sharing their sexy, and love being nice, and talking about real things they do and love and want .. yeah l have many NICE people in my list and its amazing how ten people out of 2000 can make other people leave a site like this because they aren't up to putting up with the trolls of the site... oh sorry, l mean the poor selfless over policed troll that gets bashed and treated horribly because they cant behave like a normal human being, even when theyre trying to be 'nice' *lix*
HAHAHA,,BELLA blacklisted me,,,the coward now can continue to lie, bitch, and make other people miserable.
I've avoided making any such inferences all along.
(And yet, she's always been cantankerous.
The most cantankerous personality I've seen.)
We don't know what her body looks like.
But, indeed, it's more likely that she has things to hide
rather than she has things to show.
She's been rude, vexed, uncouth, conservative, troubled...
Maybe she's been in an abusive family or relationship
and she feels that playing it a dictator here
makes her be in control.
Illusion, of course.
She never realised that this is a sex site.
We mostly like to talk about fucking here
and show and look.
Of course, we talk about other things too,
but it's crazy to adopt a position like hers:
she considers this as a chat site about everything else
except, or rarely, sex.
She's been asking and posting many ridiculous topics,
in a seemingly pseudo sophisticated manner.
Like: what's the difference between English and continental breakfasts?
Maybe she's a failed academic who can't talk to anyone at her work,
because nobody would take her seriously,
and so, maybe, she's using this site as a substitute
for her intellectual failures.
Look at some of her friends: they're trolls, crazy, conservatives...
The whole situation reminds me of the crazy orator
who, having no audience, stands at the corner of a park,
on top of an upside down waste basket,
talks bullshit to the passers-by some of who,
finding it amusing, stop and "listen" and clap and encourage the mad orator.
And the orator then thinks he/she has an audience.
But little he/she realizes that the audience is one
of fools or people who find the speech him hilarious.
I did t even know who she was initially. I didn't even bother to talk to her. I don't care about people who post no pics. It was her who contacted me and "offered me protection" from "evil people" here. She seemed like someone who could hold a better conversation than just "what's up". And then when she realized I wasn't summitting to her, that I don't give a shit about orders, she discontinued me.
You are, as I've always thought, wise and thoughtful.
What is sure however, is that there is *something* wrong with her.
Besides, as I indicated above and to a personal message to you, it was not me chose to be friends with in the start, but her. It was not me who unfriended me, but her. And it was not me who blacklisted first, but her.
You're wise too.
You can see through members here.
I guess you've gained experience all these years.
Bella is the real fear of some. I know that because I've either
spoken to them or because I've seen how they behave.
They develop feelings as if they are controlled by a dictator.
As *if* this were real.
Truly amazing!
On the other hand, there are a handful of members, Bella being
the top of the top, who use those who fear in offer
to "fullfil" their personal desires: to control, to rule, to dictate.
Most likely, they're fulfilling a gap in their real life.
I know you tried to be friendly with her, I saw your discussions, but no matter what you did you couldn't win Bella's friendship because she classified you as an enemy. Really sad.
including fake ones
--------------------------------------- added after 23 hours
NOW I'VE GOT Mr BLUE ON MY CASE. I'm "nutso" according to him. Just like the One Eyed Bitch stated it. True minion of that malevolent Eye
But a bigger perversion, from which this Bella is suffering, is to be on a sex site but not interested in sex. She's going around declaring herself the site police and acting as a policeman. Total perversion.
By bella! at 19,Nov,18 16:31
As the site police, I kindly ask that you do not post your pictures in my forum thread. Thank you.
She told me herself she's the site police.
I don't know if you saw it but I asked her a simple question when she told me I'm not allowed to post pics on "her" thread.
And, instead of answering my questions, she started bitching about "my friend", clearly referring to you.
So I asked her what you, lix, have to do with my decision to post pics on her thread. And she started calling me twat. The woman has no ability to comprehend elementary English.
hey heres a new paragraph thrown in, just to make it look bigger and more meaningful and take up more space on the server...
heres what l call a bigger space and paragraph, l should copy some more text here and point out other faults and down falls, like their lack of empathy, their inconsistant behaviour and thoughts, and you look real close, lve also left in a grammatical error and spelling mistake, because l know how misspelled words really grind people with OCD..
well that's about all ... l hope l addressed your post in a respectful and meaningful way and it makes you feel all uplifted and warm and fuzzy... have a great day Leo and don't forget .........
TO STAY SUPER SEXY..... your good friend *lix*
I did not take away her reason.
I asked her a reasonable AND rational question, in response to her demands, fully prepared to comply with them if she could justify them.
However, she chose not to reply.
She chose to write endless nonsensical sentences about things that torture her mind, things that has nothing to do with her restrictions or my "violating" them.
Perhaps she couldn't reply owing to lack of ability to comprehend English. Perhaps she's not familiar with that language. Perhaps she speaks cherokee, another north American language.
Whatever it is, I offered to help. But I did not take away her reason. If the language barrier I described above doesn't exist then the said reason has been absent in her for long time.
It's not me who took it away.
[deleted image]
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...could've been rigorously...*
(They leave a really bad taste in your mouth.)
Four and twenty fucktards baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened the tards began to sing,
Oh wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?
The king was in his counting house counting out his money,
The queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey
The maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes,
When down came a fucktard and pecked off her nose
If they were using a dummy account to cause problems, it would be different. They have harmed no one...