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big disappointment !

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Started by botanic at 20,Sep,12 11:46  other posts of botanic
Well I am naive of course, despite my advancing years but I got quite excited at a recent invitation on SYD . Unsolicited , a guy from Liverpool PMd me to see if I was interested in a 3some with him & his wife. On his site he only had pics of himself but he privately sent me a pic of his wife, fully clothed . I said I was interested and was available, then he disappeared off the site !
Anyone else had this experience ? Why would anyone bother to do this ?

Similar topics: 1.Purging inactive members   2.Sex and marriage or partnership   3.Ladies, Curious to know.   4.Starting over   5.Why does almost no one respond to comments or messages  

New Comment

By fatcock57 at 20,Sep,12 16:35 other posts of fatcock57 
Yea...really anything can happen; from the most awesome sex experience you ever had to having your cock and balls cut off by a madman...I know I'm very cautious. I wouldn't even hook up with someone that shows like dirty fingernails in pictures.
By #183178 at 21,Sep,12 05:52
Good thing mine are clean!
By fatcock57 at 21,Sep,12 16:24 other posts of fatcock57 
Hey, still wanna meet up with you...waiting for a next opportunity here, I'll let you know...

By #147052 at 20,Sep,12 14:22
Goes back to the old saying....let the buyer be aware. There are lots of flakes here and on other sites that are here for getting their jollies and leaving you with nothing. Be careful what you reply to from these people.

By #11431 at 20,Sep,12 12:01
I get about 10 invitations every day ... never have taken any up .. its a bit too scary !

Adult Discussion Forum