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Purging inactive members

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Started by admin at 03,Dec,09 20:33  other posts of admin
I started to slowly purge inactive members from the database so do not be alarmed if you see that members count does not grow essentially (if you care about it at all).

So far I only delete members that does not have any pics and have not visited the site for more than 180 days.

I still have about 100gigs of HDD space on this server, so I will not delete inactive members with pics for now. I delete inactive members without pics only to save you the disappointment and keep the place cleaner, they are not a problem for me.

Thinking of which, I just added a "last seen" indicator on every member page (except mine ).

Similar topics: 1.Premium Supporting Members   2.Measured cocks Group - need members   3.What's with new members?   4.Finally got back in the site, anyone else have trouble the last month?   5.Most Befriended Member  

New Comment

By #38932 at 03,Dec,09 22:33
admin -- please don't ever decide to delete members with pics! Also, how much space do inactive members without pics take up? I'd assume it would be relatively nothing if it's in a MySQL database that's processed using a single php file since all the data stored is primarily plain text comments. If you have physical access to the server, you can easily upgrade the hard drive to a larger capacity or add a drive to a software RAID. Even 2TB (2048 Gigabyte) hard drives can be bought for under 200 dollars now. I don't see why you need to delete inactive members who don't even have pictures, and if I was in charge of the site, I'd just ignore them until I became incredibly low on space (around 5 gigabytes). But that's just my opinion.
By #38932 at 03,Dec,09 22:40
Also, another solution would be to have the links to members pages without pictures appear dark gray. This can be done VERY easily using CSS styles.

By admin at 03,Dec,09 22:55 other posts of admin 
Indeed members without pics do not take space. As I wrote - I delete them just to keep things clean and neat. Have not you seen "so many members whithout pics" topics here? They pop-up regularly.

Also, I do not wish anyone think that I created so many empty accounts intentionally, just to make this site appear populated.
By #3997 at 04,Dec,09 16:50
I had pics up but decided to take them down but still come to the site everyday pretty much and enjoy the site, so i hope you will take that into consideration too, cause i still enojoy this site alot
By admin at 04,Dec,09 17:11 other posts of admin 
I wrote pretty clear - "those who have not visited the site for more than 180 days". Obviously this does not apply to you.

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